Chapter 14

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A/N: Hey guys ^-^ So, I love the way the relationship is growing, but I want to develop the other characters and their relationships too. I didn't exactly make up Kaitlynn or Sandra, but they aren't in the series. So here's a little part of Leo's love life (:


I went through the doors, feeling the skateboard soar from under my feet.

Small glimpses of people went flying past me.

I landed on the floor and started laughing.

How did I expect that to end?

Glancing up, I saw that Nico was pressed against Percy, the older boy's lips close to Nico's ear.

As I was going to stand up, a hand showed up in my vision.

I looked up and a girl stood in front of me.

She had shortish blonde hair that was pulled up.

Her deep brown eyes seached my own.

I took her hand and she pulled me up.

My nose brushed against hers and she blushed, turning her already pink cheeks bright red.


So creative, Leo.

How can she resist you with a pick up line like that?

She grinned and I could see her braces.

She's so pretty.

"Hey, I'm Kaitlynn."


"Nice to meet you, Leo."

"Pleasure's all mine."

She started to turn away but I grabbed her arm.

Kaitlynn raised her eyebrow.

"I'll uh walk you to class?"

It wasn't supposed to be a question.

She bit her lip and nodded.

I let out a breathe I hadn't known I was holding and we walked side by side, unknowingly being watched.



I watched Leo and some girl walk together and felt my heart sink.

I had never seen Leo in that light, but I was willing to try.

Not that it really mattered at this point.

I sighed and headed towards my locker.

As I was nearing it, there was someone in my way.

"Move." I grumbled.

The person turned around and I sucked in a breath.

She was tan, but not the kind that you get at a beach.

It was the kind that came naturally.


Her face was framed by loose curls trailing down just past her shoulders.

Her eyes were slightly squinted, but warm brown.

Her lips were small but cute.

"You could at least say please."

She slammed her locker shut and walked off, with her friend.

I sighed and opened mine, taking out a couple notebooks.

The bell rang and I walked to class.

Most of my class was already there, including Annabeth, Piper, Percy, but no Leo.

Oh and that kid that Percy was into.

I checked him out and its not like I could blame Percy.

Nico's small figure was glued to Percy's, his head buried in the older boy's neck.

Percy was pressing small kisses against Nico's temple.

Nico looked up at Percy and Percy looked down, a smile on his face.

I watched my best friend lean down to kiss Nico.

I sighed as their lips connected.

My mind started drifting.

Why couldn't I have that?

Was it that I just didn't deserve it?

Was I trying hard enough?

The girl from my locker ran into the room, talking fast in Spanish.

Most of the class just sat there.

One of the girls from the front ran out, yelling that she had something to do and replying to Curly in rapid Spanish.

I chuckled as I watched both their curly hair bounce as they ran out.

I found myself thinking more about the girl from the locker.

I could've said something different.

Was I just looking in the wrong places?

A/N: I know its short :c but its just to start moving Leo and Jason along. Tomorrow I'll have more Percico/Pernico. Hopefully more fluff and maybe even Nico coming out to Bianca.

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