Not A Chapter

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Heyy I know its weird since the story is done, but I feel like I need to say this.

I've gotten a couple comments regarding how fast Nico forgave Percy.

The thing is, despite how in love they might be, they are only teenagers.

I tried to make that as realistic as possible.

Nico would've forgiven Percy for anything because Percy is his life line.

Percy was there when Nico's mom disowned him.

Percy was there when Bianca was being a real bitch.

Percy was there despite anything that happened.

And that's not something you can just throw away.

I wrote it that way for a reason.

Besides, I wanted the story to be under 30 chapters, which I went over actually.

I didn't want to make a sequel in which Percy has to prove himself to Nico because I didn't want them to be fighting while prom happened.

I wanted them to be in love as long as possible before writing that Nico has to move.

I DID NOT MAKE UP ANY NAMES. Kaitlynn, Ruth, and Sandra Chicas are real people. I didn't want lonely characters so ffs, stop commenting about Chicas' last name. That's a real last name. She has read most of my stories and kinda insisted on being in the story.
ALSO: Some comments that I'm using "seeming sempiternal" wrong. Guess what? I looked it up before using it so maybe you should check the screenshot I took and see that I have used it accordingly.

I read all comments and I don't really like comments going against my ships so I will probably reply as nicely as I can or delete your comments.

Thanks for reading and voting and leaving comments! I read every single comment so if you want to give me some feedback, add a comment or send me a message! I love talking to you guys (:

I love you all!


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