Chapter 18

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I met up with Percy at lunch and he smiled at me, pulling me down to his lap.

I didn't have any classes with my sister, but she usually sat with us at lunch.

Bianca walked by, a tray in her hands.

I noticed she was giving Hazel a pleading look, but Hazel just turned the other way, talking to her boyfriend.

I almost felt sorry for her.


Bianca looked so lost, so alone.

She actually looked like my sister now.

Percy noticed me staring at her and he turned my head so I was facing him.

"She'll be okay."

I nodded stiffly.

A brunette stood up and called out Bianca's name.

Bianca turned around, hopeful.

The brunette pointed at an open seat next to her and Bianca hurried over.

I sighed and looked down at my lap.

"Its hard, you know? Having your hero... Just.... It hurts so much..."

My voice broke and I felt my body start to shake.

Percy took my hand and kissed it.

I leaned my forehead against his.

"I'll be here for you. I'll be your hero, if you'll be mine?"

I looked up.

No one had ever wanted me to be their hero.

I swallowed hard.

"I would be a shitty hero."

Percy laughed and kissed me.

"It wouldn't matter as long as you're mine."

I blushed.

Percy touched my cheek and ran his thumb over my lower lip.

"So Nico..."

He sounded nervous.


"Will you be mine?"

Be his?

Belong to him?

Have someone to call my own?

Have someone there for me?

Its risky.

Trusting him.

What if one day he stops liking me?

I don't want to hurt

"Yes, Percy. I'll be yours."

He grinned and kissed me.

I kissed him back, fitting our lips like a puzzle piece.

"Get a room"

Percy pulled away and did some complex handshake with Jason.

I felt my face heat up and put my head down.

I heard the familiar screech of a chair being pulled out.

"Who's this?"

I looked up and Percy was looking at the girl next to Jason.

She had curly hair that ended slightly below her shoulders with light brown eyes.

"You're just like Jason. Both of you talk as if I'm not here."

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