Chapter 29

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*day of prom which is like 3 months laterish? idk cx Go with it*

I sat nervously in the living room with Paul.

He tried to make small talk and I appreciated it, but I couldn't focus.

Tonight was prom.

I heard someone coming down the stairs and stood up quickly.

Nico and my mom stood in the doorway.

Nico and I were wearing matching tuxes, with my tie a dark green and his a light blue.

His hair was messy, but he definitely looked fancy.

When he looked up at me, I felt my heart stop.

He smiled slightly at me and reached out a hand.

I walked over and took it, pulling him into a hug.

Things were better now.

Well, between us.

Jason made Sandra mad recently, but managed to make up for it by taking her tonight.

Kaitlynn and Leo, however, were as steady as ever.

"You ready?"

Nico squeezed me tight before letting go.

"Let's roll."

My mom took multiple pictures before pulling Nico aside for a couple minutes.

Paul looked at her nervously and I had a sneaking suspicion that they knew something.

When my mom let Nico out, she hugged me and whispered, "Enjoy tonight, Percy. Create a memory that will last."

I wasn't sure what she meant, but now I know.
Dear God, I wish I didn't.

Nico and I arrived at the school and we were immediately met by Calypso and the "ratchets", as Nico called them.

As we passed them, Calypso called out "Hope you save a dance for me!"

Nico started to walk faster, but I held him back and shook my head.

"Nico, I am only yours. You are the only one I want and you're the only one I could ever want."

He gave a smile and pulled me to a nearby table where Jason and Leo were seated.

"Where are the girls?"

Leo shrugged.

"I mean, I assume the bathroom, but why did they both go?"

Nico laughed and leaned into me.

We just sat at the table for a while.

Then a slow song came on.

All the couples stood up.

Nico and I awkwardly sat there and looked at each other.

"You wanna, uh, dance?"

Nico smiled.

"I thought you'd never ask."

I stood up and held out a hand.

Nico took it and we walked to where the "dance floor" was.

I put my hands on his waist and he put his arms around my neck, his head on my chest.

Neither of us knew how to dance, so we just gently swayed to the beat.

I moved one of my hands up to the middle of his back, slowly rubbing circles.

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