Chapter 21

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I felt myself freeze and I tightened my grip on Nico.

"Half brother?" I manged to choke out.

Tyson nodded, uneasy.

Nico leaned in and whispered into my ear.

"This seems kind of personal. I think I'm gonna leave."

He started standing up, but I held him back.

Tyson was starting to stare, so I pulled Nico to the hallway.

"You're right. This is personal. But I want you to be here for me."

Nico looked uncomfortable.

"If you insist..."

I could sense that he felt uneasy.

"Just stay for like 10 minutes. Then you can go."

Nico nodded and we went back to sit on the couch.

I squeezed Nico's fingers and my mom put her hand on my knee.

A family

"Hi.. Tyson.. Uh... My name is Percy. This is Nico, my boyfriend."

Tyson's eyes widened.

"You're gay?"

I flinched at the word.

"Not really gay.. Not straight either.. Just... I only like Nico."

Tyson nodded.

We talked a little longer and Nico mumbled into my ear again.

"Princess Izzi is outside, so I'll be going now."

I almost burst out laughing.

"Princess Izzi?"

"Yeah, my friend."

"Since when?"

Nico punched me in the arm.

"I have friends, you know."

He stood up and walked to the door.

I followed and turned him around before he left, pulling his lips to mine.

I felt him smile.

"I'm sorry, Neeks."

He kissed me and left.

Well, okay.

When I sat back down, Tyson started asking me about Nico.

"How long have you two been together?"

"A couple of days."

"How long have you liked him?"

"3 years, my friend. 3 long years."

"Do you love him?"

I shifted in my seat and bit my lip.

"I really like him. When I'm with him, its like, nothing matters. When he smiles, I feel like I've done good. When he laughs, I feel like kissing him, to make the moment last. And when we're kissing, its like I'm at the top of the world. I wouldn't say love, but its not quite a crush either."

My mom was beaming at me and Tyson looked impressed.

Tyson looked at his phone and stood up.

"I have to get going, but it was great meeting you, Sally. You too, Percy. Nico, too."

I nodded at him and watched as my mom led him to the door.

She sat down where Tyson had been, in front of me, and looked at me.

"What do you think of him, Percy?"

I sighed.

"I never thought of Dad as one to cheat, but if I have to have a half brother, I'm glad it was him."

My mom nodded and stood up, wiping her eyes.

"I'm gonna go think about the whole thing. Go find Nico or entertain yourself."

She walked to her room, and I heard faint sobbing.

Oh all the things my dad could've done, this was the one that happened.

I walked out and started looking for Nico.

He was at the park with another guy.

They were both seated at a bench and the other guy was showing him something on his phone.

"Hey Nico!"

He turned and saw me.

The other guy turned too and I could see his face.

He was Hispanic, kind of short.

His hair was dark brown and he wore glasses.

He was wearing a red jacket with jeans.

Nico walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

I felt silent tears stream down my face and I held him tightly.

Nico started humming and I could tell it was a lullaby.

My tears became less frequent and I pulled away.

"Let's go home, yeah?"

I nodded stiffly and shoved my hands into my pockets.

Nico gave me a soft smile and called out a quick see you later to "Princess Izzi".

As we walked home, Nico attempted to make conversation with me, but I was still in shock.

How could my dad do that to my mom?

Was I already born?

Tyson looks younger than me, so it must have been after I was born.

Unless they were already doing this, only it came with a casual pregnancy?

I thought my dad loved Mom

I always looked up to that love.

What am I supposed to do now?

The example I was trying to follow has been a distorted illusion this entire time.

I looked over at Nico, who had given up at this point and was just staring blankly at the ground.

What is love?

Is it what Mom and Dad had?

Or what Nico and I could possibly have one day?

Nico looked up and gave me a sad smile.

I stopped walking and took his hands.

He looked at me in confusion.

"I'm really glad you're here for me, Nico."

He gave me a real smile and an even realer response.

"I'll always be here for you."


"Pinkie promise."

A/N: Welp here's two chapters ;-; lots of work even though they suck. I'm sorry I tried cx ilysm <3

PS: Listen to What Is Love? and you'll understand why I put random references in this chapter c: it's by Never Shout Never

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