Chapter 5

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God, is this actually happening...

Percy kept bumping into me, brushing our hands together.

Nico... Control yourself

I sighed and tried to move away from him.

Did you mean, these feelings?

My phone made another little noise and I checked it.

Bianca: Can you get his number for me? Please?? Thank you ^-^

Wow really?

If I ask for it, I doubt he would say yes.

Who would try and connect with a f** like me?

Percy cleared his throat and scratched the back of neck.

"So uh... I see you have a phone..."

I glanced at him with wide eyes.

"Uh... yes... I do..." I stammered.

He gave me a small smile and reached out for it.

I instinctively locked it and pulled it close to my chest.

Percy grinned and said "I only want to put in my number."

Put in his number...?

Well I guess that's one person.

I handed it to him curiously and he stared at it.

He chuckled and handed it back to me.

"As much as I like Brendon Urie's almost naked body, I think maybe if you unlocked your phone, I could fully appreciate the rest of your phone."

I blushed as I remembered my lovely lockscreen.

He pushed it more in my direction and I unlocked my phone, my face heated up.

I checked to make sure that my home screen was better.

Well a shirtless Kellin Quinn is better.

At least Percy can see he's wearing pants.

I opened up my contacts, tapped on new contact and handed it to him.

He grinned, and started typing.

We neared the classroom and he gave it back.

Right before he went in, he flashed a wink at me and I paused outside the door.


Oh shi...

I checked his contact picture and it was of him, that dazzling smile he gave before typing.

What is this boy doing to me?

A/N: Hey ^-^ I really liked this one because it was cute and fluff. Kinda short but because I'm busy. I might update later today but I don't know ;-;

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