Chapter 4

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"How do you know I have English class right now?"

The question was, how did I not?

How could I not notice the quiet, mysterious boy that sat in front of me?

How could I ignore his existence when I craved for his eyes to linger on me before sitting down quickly and zoning out?

I had done everything I could to draw his attention.

Hell, I had done everything short of sticking my tongue down his throat.

I wonder how he would react

Pondering on this was what helped me get through school.

Blushing, I responded, "I have English with you... I" I paused and looked up.

Big mistake.

His big, innocent, dark eyes were staring back at me and I was all too willing to stay there, lost in his gaze.

"Uh.. I sit behind you.." I spoke quickly.


Really Jackson?

Way to be smooth.

Nico smiled a little and nodded.

He hugged the girl.

What was her name?


Carmen or something, right?

Those dark eyes distracted me and I hadn't heard much after going inside.

"- like at 6, maybe?"


Did she ask something?

I turned and saw Carmen looking at me with a huge smile.

"Uh..." was all I could muster.

I glanced at Nico, hoping he could help me out or something.

He looked amused but kept his mouth shut.

I cleared my throat and coughed.

"I don't know. Maybe."

Oh well

"Well bye Bianca. I'll see you after school," Nico called over his shoulder as he walked out the nurses room.

"Bye Nico! Bye Percy!"

Bianca? Wow I was way off.

A/N: Hey ^-^ this is super short ;-; Sorry.

I had some family problems but I promise I'll have a longer chapter tomorrow! Okai ^-^ bai

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