Chapter 16

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After lots of kissing, Percy convinced me to let him come over.

When school ended, he ran to my locker, beating me there.

"You know, I think Jason is staring at that girl."

I turned in the direction that Percy was pointing at, and found out that, indeed he was.

Jason was just standing there, like an idiot while the girl just ignored him and talked to her friend.

Finally Jason spoke up, and the girl turned to face him.

Maybe she gave him a dirty look, because he put his hands up in defeat.

Then this other guy came up to the girl and she waved both of them off.

Her friend was on her phone, but pointed to the doors, and they both left.

Jason kept standing there, watching them leave.

He turned and hit his head against the lockers.

Percy chuckled and shook him head.

I took him by the hand and pulled him to one of the buses.

He looked at me in confusion once we sat down.

"I thought we were walking?"

I shook my head.

"Bianca will get mad at me."

He nodded and looked out the window.

Bianca finally got on the bus and her eyes lit up when she saw Percy.

I felt anger wash up to my chest, remembering the last time Percy and Bianca interacted.

"We aren't gonna fit," she pointed out.

Percy frowned and looked at me.

I wasn't sure what he was going to do, but picking me up and putting me on his lap, was definitely not what I expected.

Bianca looked as shocked as I felt.

The entire ride home was awkward and Bianca practically sprinted out of the bus.

Percy and I took our time and right before we went into my home, I stopped him.

"Before we go in, I want you to promise me that you'll still be into me when you leave."

He laughed and nodded, leaning in to kiss me.

I kissed him back, trying to fit as much in as I could, knowing I wouldn't be able to kiss him as much as I wanted to once we went inside.

We were both breathless when we went in, but it was totally fine.

We went up to my room where I attempted to do homework, but ended up on Percy's lap, kissing him.

I heard a knock and jumped off him, fixing my hair, where Percy's fingers had been just seconds before.

It was Bianca.

"Dinner's ready"

She turned around and walked away.

That's odd.

Percy and I went to go sit down, where I awkwardly introduced my mother to him.

"So Percy, are you and Bianca going to get together soon?"

I nearly choked on my pasta.

Percy was wide eyed and he stammered.

"Uh.. No... I... She's just a friend."

Bianca was smiling like an idiot at her food.

My mother laughed and winked.


Percy turned bright red and he tried again.

"I like someone else, actually. A lot."

My mother smiled and shrugged.

"It was worth a shot. You would've made a great addition to the family."

I felt my face heat up, but I didn't dare to make eye contact with anyone else.

"I still might."

Then, the air grew cold.

My mother looked at Percy with murderous eyes.

"What are you trying to say?"

Percy cleared his throat.

"I... I really like Nico."

I felt my stomach drop all the way to my toes and I was no longer hungry.

Bianca looked at me and I could see hatred in her eye.

"No son of mine, will ever love another man."

I felt my heart pounding and a surge of anger.

"Well then I guess I'm not your son."

I stood up and ran upstairs.

Chaos broke loose and I heard Bianca and my mother screaming at me.

I grabbed as much as I could from my room.

Before I left, I saw a picture my mom had given me.

It was when I was a baby.

My father was holding me.

I felt my eyes start to water and grabbed the picture.

When I ran back downstairs, Percy was yelling back at my mom and Bianca.

I grabbed his arm and started to stomp out.

"If you leave, don't ever come back."

I turned back and saw Bianca standing at the door.

"I wasn't planning to."

Percy and I walked out.

I felt my eyes watering again.

But I let them run down my face, gripping Percy's hand like he would disappear.

About halfway to his house, he got in front of my and cupped my face in his hands.

Percy didn't say anything, just pressed his lips on mine.

Softly, slowly, sweetly.

When he pulled away, he whispered, "I kept my promise."

A smile began to grow on my face and we kept walking.

Once we reached his house, his mom looked at me, with my bag filled with things I thought I needed, and back at Percy, who looked like he needed to rest.

"Nico, go get some sleep in Percy's room, while I talk to Percy."

I nodded and let go of Percy.

I didn't hear any yelling or crying, which means that everything was fine.

After a while, Percy came upstairs snuggled up next to me.

He wrapped his arms around me and I clung to him.



"I really like you."

"I really like you, too."


I laughed to myself and buried my face in his neck.

I just lost my mom

My sister.

My hero.

But, that was never my home.

With Percy, anywhere was home.

A/N: Two short updates in one day ^-^ to make up for no updates yesterday. I'll update tomorrow *hopefully*

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