Chapter 8

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(A/N: I had already written this but Wattpad deleted it -.- So now I have to rewrite this and I'm mad and ugh its not the same ._. So I'm gonna change how this was gonna go originally)


I ran over to Nico and saw that he was laughing underneath a girl.

The girl was laughing too and Bianca just smiled.

The girl got off him and stood up straight.

I leaned over and offered my hand to Nico and he reached and got it.

As I pulled him up, I realized why Leo's breath had been caught.

Nico was shorter than me, but with my help, he stood up on his toes, his light pink lips an inch away from my own.

His eyes wandered down to where we had almost brushed our lips together and pulled away, but I held him there, putting my hands on his tiny hips.

"You wanna come over later?" I asked.

He hesitated, but shook his head.

"Can't. Leo's coming over to work on our project."

Of course.

I felt my blood start to boil and I released my grip on him.


He gave me a sad smile and started picking up some books he had dropped when the girl had tackled him.

I ran my fingers through my hair and looked up.

The girl's eyes locked on mine and she stuck out her hand.

"Hi, I'm Hazel."

I shook it.


She smiled and started to walk away.

"I'll see you at lunch, Nicky." She called out.

Nico nodded and started to walk away too, but I caught his wrist.

He looked up at me curiously.

"Can I sit by you?"

Nico smiled and nodded.

I watched him walk away and sighed.

So close to kissing him.

*time lapse (omfg its in italics AND bold ^-^ I didn't know I could do that yay)*

I walked into the cafeteria and waved to Jason, who was shoving food down his mouth and he waved back with a piece of pizza in his hand.

Nico and Hazel were towards the back and it wasn't until I sat down next to Nico that I realized Leo was here too.

Hazel was shaking her head and Nico threw a straw at Leo.

"What? I can't help it!" Leo defended.

Nico laughed and his eyes flickered to mine.

"I know," he said, as he continued to look into my eyes. "Trust me. I know"

I smiled quizzically and Nico shook his head and mouthed nothing

Shrugging it off, I opened my Instagram and saw that Annabeth had just posted a picture.

It was of Piper making a face while Annabeth and Jason kissed her cheeks.

I laughed and double tapped it.

Nico looked at my phone screen and watched me as I scrolled down.

"Percy" he whispered.

I hummed to let him know I heard him.

"Can I like... Put my head on your shoulder? I'm kinda tired."

I looked at him, regretting that decision already.

His eyes were looking deeply into mine, searching for something.

I don't know what you're looking for.

But I'll help you find it

Smiling, I nodded.

He smiled back and leaned on my shoulder.

Knowing that must be uncomfortable, I removed my arm and was about to put it around his own shoulders when he made a noise.

Kind of like a protest, but it was very kitten-like.

Not to mention that he was pouting, his eyes shut, but slightly scrunched up.

I laughed softly at him and got an idea.

I opened up the camera application on my phone and turned it to front camera.

I took a picture of Nico, wanting to remember this moment.

He opened one eye just as I locked my phone.

Close call



"Next time, ask"



"Shut up and let me sleep"

He closed both eyes again and I put an arm around him.

He let out another kitten sound, like a mewl.

With my free hand, I started playing with his fingers.

If he didn't want me to do this, he wouldn't have put his arm so in my view.

His breathing slowed down and I realized, he was seriously going to take a nap.

A cat nap


I'm so clever

Hazel (who appeared out of nowhere), Bianca, and Leo seemed to caught in their own conversation, so I took that moment to slip my fingers between Nico's warm ones.

At first, he tensed up but then relaxed, his fingers responding to mine by squeezing gently.

We stayed that way until the end of lunch and I shook Nico awake.


He looked up sleepily, his eyes half shut.


His fingers tightened around mine for a second before he looked down and realized what happened.

He looked up startled.

Too bad I had leaned down.

When he looked up, our lips met.

His warm lips were soft, just like I expected.

It only lasted for about five seconds, but it felt like forever.

The contact made a wave of warmth rush down to my toes.

His lips smelled like...

Warm vanilla

A little bit of honey

I was so tempted to suck on his lower lip, to see if they tasted as good as they smelled.

But I felt him tense up and he pulled away.

I saw his eyes widen and he bumped into people behind him.

He touched his lips and ran out of the cafeteria.

Both Bianca and Hazel ran after him.

Leo looked at me, surprised by what just happened.


I turned to him and just stared.

"What, Valdez?"

"Is Blonde Superman single?"

A/N: I liked the other version better but I guess this one is good too ^-^ This one is shorter because I'm too lazy to write more now ._. I'll try to update tomorrow but idek if I can

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