Chapter 26

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*sometime like a couple weeks later*


My heart started beating fast as I dialed the number.

I had done it.

I had found my dad.

I had finally made contact.

Well, making contact.

My hands were shaking as I listened to the sharp rings.

They were like a clock, counting down the seconds to a breaking point.

The line clicked and I stopped breathing.

I stammered.

"Uh... Hi? Uhm... Is this... Uh..."

I heard a heavy sigh.

"I don't have all day."

I swallowed hard.

"Is this the di Angelo residence?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"Uhm.... Its... Nico... Nico di Angelo..."

The breathing on the line stopped and I felt my heart pulsing through my fingers.


I felt myself nod, knowing he couldn't see me.

"Can I call you back another time?"

"Uh... Yeah! Totally."

"Okay, I'll contact you soon."

With that, I heard the line click.
I made contact.
My dad knows I exist.
He knows that I remember him.

I sat down on Percy's bed.

My situation with Bianca and my mom hadn't gotten any better.

In fact, I think it had gotten worse.

Calypso and Bianca started making passes at Percy, while he casually rejected them.

At one point, Calypso tried to kiss Percy, causing her to get slapped by Sandra.


As revenge, Calypso had gotten a lot of girls to flirt with Jason.

It was becoming a cycle.

Sandra would get mad at him, which made him feel bad and try to make up to her.

When he tried to make it up to her, somehow Calypso managed to ruin it.

Making Sandra mad at him, again.

Now Calypso wasn't just affecting Percy and I, but our friends.

And I wasn't having any of this.

Bianca also made the situation worse.

She's my sister.

She knows things.

She knows my fears and my nightmares.

I thought I could trust her with my life, but she was just casually sharpening the knife to her betrayal all these years.

Percy knocked loudly on the door.

I jumped and dropped my phone.

He stuck his head in.

"You wanna go to the park?"

I smiled.


We walked the short distance to the park near his house, getting on the swings.

I started going up faster and faster, feeling the wind whip my face, making my cheeks red, probably.

My thoughts drifted off to space and I thought about everything.

I know I'm depressed.

I know I'm not perfect.

I know I have my flaws.

I know Percy could do so much better.

I know that he could leave me anytime, and I would still feel honored to have called him mine.

I know that it would an honor to have my heart broken by him.

I know all of this.

I don't know why he stays.

I don't know why he wants me.

I don't know why he could even think about loving me, like it would be an honor to.

I closed my eyes and let the wind take my focus off into the sky.

Percy's POV (because its nice and fluffy to see how differently they think about Nico. Well I thought it was nice and important.)

I watched Nico speed up, his eyes opened, but I could see he wasn't with me.

It was amazing to watch him.

Just do anything.

Like now.

I could tell he was thinking hard.

I watched his eyes close and tighten his jaw.

He did that a lot.

It seemed to happen a lot whenever he was sad, or confused.

He's so perfect.

Its amazing, the way he thinks so little of himself, when I can't think of anyone who could even compare to him.

When Bianca started revealing secrets, Nico cried himself to sleep.

He started having nightmares.

I wouldn't really call them that.

It was more terrible than that.

He screamed and cried.

The only way to calm him down was to wrap him in my arms and whisper I love you I love you I love you I love you repeatedly.

Well, it wasn't the only thing.

But I hadn't tried anything else, and in the mornings, he didn't remember my soft whispers.

The first time to say I love him wasn't the way I wanted him to remember, with him screaming, tears pouring down his face.

I was thankful that all he remembered what my arms and a soft hum.

Watching him here, with the wind pushing his hair back, I could almost see him as a little kid.

Just trying to get a rush.

I closed my own eyes, letting my mind wonder to all the memories I shared with him.

All the kisses.

All the hugs.

All the good morning's and good night's.

Memorizing his features, his laugh, his smile, his smell.


A/N: Another update coming soon and by soon I mean like once I finish typing it. So, the latest is an hour maybe. Aight byeee <3

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