Chapter 3

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"What happened to him??"

Who is that?

"I think he'll be fine. Are you one of his friends? "

I don't have any friends.

"Not exactly. But I saw what happened and I needed to know if he was okay. "

My eyelids became less heavy and I opened my eyes, light blinding me for a second.

"Nico! You're awake. Are you okay? Does anything hurt?"

The questions started giving me a headache and I gave a stiff nod, causing a white hot streak of pain to push deeper into my head.

Bianca's arms wrapped around my small body and she murmured how thankful she was that I was okay.

"We're going to talk later, okay?" she muttered into my ear.

I whispered a small yes and pulled away.

Bianca stood straight and looked at the doorway.

"There's a boy here and he wants to see you."

Oh God... Who would want to see me?

As if answering my question, the boy came in.

Bianca ran her fingers through her hair and flashed a smile, almost like she was flirting.

I almost died and the first chance she gets...

She began twirling a strand of hair between her fingers and batting her lashes, but the boy only came closer to me.

He had dark hair, only a shade or two lighter than my own, and sea green eyes, on the blue side.

His skin was smooth, olive toned, glowing healthy.

Wow he's gor-

NO! Bad Nico.. Boys aren't gorgeous.

You're right, this one is perfe-


While I was mentally arguing with myself, the boy started speaking.

"Um, hi Nico. My name is-"

"Percy Jackson" I breathed out.

I knew who he was.

He was popular here.

Who didn't know who he was?

Quarterback on the football team, star goalie on the soccer team, all star athlete.

Why is he here?

He smiled slightly.

"You know me?"

I bit my lip and nodded a little.

Bianca stopped twirling her hair and looked a little frustrated.

"Ahem. I'm Bianca. Nice to meet you, Percy. Maybe we can hang out sometime?"

Percy turned to her.

"Yeah maybe."

I looked down at my feet and tried to get up from the couch. I got off balanced and stumbled forward.

Oh shit I thought, as my face came dangerously close to the floor.

This is how I die.

Suddenly, I was yanked from the floor, just before I made impact.

I looked up from the floor to the person's face.

Or maybe this is how I die

Drowned in these deep blue eyes...

Or are they green?

Perhaps both...

"You okay?" Percy asked.

I gulped and nodded quickly, looking away, anything to stop staring.

Bianca was sending daggers at my direction and I turned away from her as well, blushing furiously.

"Well.. Um... I should be going to class now..." I muttered.

Percy grinned and replied, "Yeah we should probably get going to English now."

I raised my eyebrows at him.

"How do you know I have English right now?"

Percy looked away from me and to the floor, hiding his face.

Is he blushing...?

Why do you care anyway? You're straight.

"I have English with you.. I.. uh.. sit behind you.." He stuttered.


I smiled and nodded.

Well class should be interesting now.

A/N: Hey guys ^-^ I don't really like this chapter but uhm I tried ^-^ Yay they met ^-^ Okie well see y'all next time *-*

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