Chapter 6

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Percy walked into the room and waved to the teacher.

I was about to follow him in going inside but I heard someone call out to me.

"Hey! Can you hold the door?"

I turned and looked at the person.

It was another boy, I recognized him as the one who sat in the desk next to me, a small aisle separating us, but we had never even talked.

His dark brown hair flopped into his coppery eyes that seemed to sparkle.

His tan skin glowed in a sort of healthy way, unlike mine did.

I stood there, the door wide open, the entire class staring at me, including Percy.

Hurry up...

The guy finally reached me and gave an out of breath thank you.

"Glad you decided to join us, Mr. Valdez," the teacher called out.

The boy grinned and called back, "How could I miss a day without seeing you."

The class laughed and even I smiled slightly.

"Sit your ass down, Leo," Mrs. Perez managed to say between her laughter.

Leo managed to smile wider and sat down.

I walked behind him to sit down too and as he was about to turn, we stood face to face.

Well almost.

He was taller than me, looking down at me.

His breath hitched slightly and his eyes flickered down to my lips.

Oh God...

I gulped and heard someone clear their throat.

I sat down quickly and didn't turn around, despite feeling eyes on me.

"As I was saying, before Percy, Nico, and Leo interrupted, the project will about any of Shakespeare's plays. You will have to reenact any of the scenes. Capture its essence. Feel the love. You will work with the partner of your choice," Mrs. Perez announced.

I don't have any friends.

Who do I work with?

"Hey! Nico, right?"

I turned slowly and I saw Leo staring at me, his smile more tame.

"Uh... Yeah.." I muttered.

"Cool. Wanna work together?" He asked, his eyes starting to twinkle.


"Actually, Nico was gonna work with me."

I heard from behind.

I have to get that boy a bell

Leo's smile began to fall.

"Oh.. Okay.."

Suddenly I heard that girl speak.

You know, the girl that was always around Percy.

What's her name?

Whatever her name was, she punched Percy in the arm.

"Seaweed Brain! I thought we were gonna work together!"

Percy just grinned and shook his head.

"I'm gonna work with Ni-"

I cleared my throat and forced a smile.

Can't have a chance with him anyway.

Besides who cares?


"Its fine. I'm totally cool with working with Leo." I said quietly.

Leo's smile reappeared and he grabbed my wrist, pulling me to the front, to get out play.


Percy has such a lovely voice

Both Leo and I turned and saw Percy stand there with a sad look in his eyes.

"Yeah? " I asked.

"You got my number, but I never got yours."

He speaks with such confidence.


"I mean how do I know if you'll text me or not?" He called out again.

I wasn't going to.

"I guess..." I trailed off.

Percy's expression brightened.

He handed me his phone and I kept it simple.


I don't have the guts to put in hearts

Or a picture

I gave it back to him and he turned back to the blonde girl who called him Seaweed Brain.

As I turned, a phone was thrusted into my hand.

I looked up startled and Leo was smiling.

"Your number. For the project."

I nodded and typed in my number.

He took it before I could put in my name.

I looked up quizzically and he shook his head.

"I'll put the name in later."

I nodded again and we headed to the front.

Mrs. Perez looked at us and handed us a paper without checking which one.

Romeo And Juliet

Well great

A/N: Hey! I didn't update yesterday ;-; I know. But here's another update ^-^ Yay! Okai! Bai lovelies <3

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