Chapter 23

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*a month later-ish*

Nico has been staying at my house, since his family has been the opposite of accepting of him.

Not that I was complaining.

I love waking up to him.

I love going to sleep with him.

I love spending time with him.

And I can tell he feels the same way.

So, as I'm laying here in bed, waiting for him to wake up to spend another lazy Saturday filled with pancakes and movies, instead of thinking of Nico, as I usually do, I think about our friends.

Jason and Sandra are both firecrackers.

They do have their ups and downs, sometimes Jason does something, and sometimes Sandra overreacts.

They do fight a lot, but its okay in the end.

Their most recent fight has been over Jason staring at Reyna and Ruth when they kiss.

Sandra, of course, slapped him and called him a Spanish word, which I recently found out, meant pig.

Which is a good word choice.

Since I've known Jason for years, I naturally sided with him, whereas, Nico, sided with Sandra.

When I tried to convince him how Sandra was simply, on her Shark Week, Nico called me multiple Italian words and locked himself in my room, forcing me to sleep on the couch.

They'll be alright.

I hope.

The entire balance of Nico and I's relationship rests delicately on their shoulders.

On the other hand, Leo and Kaitlynn had been going pretty good.

Kaitlynn continued to bug Leo about meeting his mom, but Leo would shut up and never look her in the eyes, and Nico would intervene and back Leo up.

Kaitlynn never seemed quite fond of me, though I had never really done anything to her.

I sighed and looked at the clock.

My mom knocked softly.

Nico mewled and cuddled into my side, squeezing me.

My mom smiled at him and leaned on the doorway.

"I'm leaving to work. The pancake mix is awaiting. Paul will be home in a couple of hours. Take care of him, okay?"

"Yeah, Mom. We'll be fine."

She smiled and left.

I closed my eyes, my thoughts drifting back to Nico.

He's been hiding something from me.

I often caught him alone in my room, using his phone, typing away like a madman.

Whenever he sensed me, he would quickly put his phone away and make up an excuse.

I wasn't sure what could be going on.

He wasn't cheating on me, right?

We spent all of our time together.

Well, most of our time.

Sometimes, he hung out with Leo, the girls, or Reyna.
Or Izzi.

That's what Nico calls him.

Well, Princess Izzi.

What kind of name is that?

Nico was starting to stir in my arms.

"Morning Neeks."

He groaned and tightened his grip on me.

"No, Bad Percy."


He jumped up and became very awake.


I laughed and kissed his forehead.

"Hygiene first, Neeks."

We brushed out teeth, and I rewarded his positive reaction to pancakes with a kiss.

Although he was distanced sometimes, Nico really was a good boyfriend.

Our one month anniversary was coming up and I wasn't really sure what to do.

I was starting to zone out, getting lost in my thoughts.

Nico snapped in front of my face and I blinked.

"You okay?"

I nodded.

"Great. Now make me pancakes."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the pancake mix.

Nico didn't really help, but he did provide kisses and remarks.

He was starting to occupy some space I needed.

I picked him up and sat him on the counter.

"Yes, this is normal."

I stood between his legs and he wrapped them around me, pulling me in for another kiss.

I felt his fingers in my hair, one hand still behind my neck, trying to pull me close.

I put one hand on his waist, while the other moved to his lower back.

I didn't want to separate for air, so I breathed in through my nose and my lungs filled with Nico's scent that I had long since memorized.

Like vanilla, but it was starting to turn into a soapy smell, like fresh laundry, which was intoxicating.

He pulled away and buried his face into my neck.



"I really want pancakes."

A/N: Heyyy sorry for not updating ;-; ilysm for waiting. I have this genius idea for the ending, but don't worry, its not ending just yet c: okai bai cx
PS: 4 comments and 3 votes for the next chapter and if I get more than 6 votes, I'll do TWO updates c:

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