Chapter 30

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Hey guys ^-^ This isn't exactly the story you want, but its the second to last chapter, so in honor of that, I decided to kinda just, give you information on how the rest of the couples are bc yolo
First, is Leo and Kaitlynn c:

No One's POV, kinda just narrated cx

Leo sat down on the floor next to Kaitlynn.

They were watching their oldest child trying to teach the middle one how to play softball.

He was coaching her too hard and she looked near tears.

It was almost too sad to watch, but they knew that little Miguel was just trying to help his sister.

As a star baseball player, he expected nothing less than excellence from his younger sibling.

Leo shook his head.

"Our child is too white to be mine. He has Hispanic in him. If Miguel doesn't like soccer, that's fine. I'll get Mia to learn how to find blood is thicker than sweat."

Kaitlynn just shook her head.

It was nearly impossible to win an argument with her husband.

Not impossible.

Just, nearly.

"We have to go to Jason's today, remember? He'll either need moral support or celebration later."

Leo nodded.

He didn't question how his wife of two years somehow kept in contact with all their friends from high school, even managing contact with Nico who regularly sends greetings from Greece.

Kaitlynn misses him deeply, but she knows he did what was right.

She never had to do anything crazy like that, and with a slight glance at Leo, with his curly hair and bright eyes, with his contagious laugh and brilliant smile, Kaitlynn knew that even if she had to, she couldn't leave him.

Even for a night.

Nico was brave and strong.

Kaitlynn continued to watch her husband and children, instinctively rubbing her stomach, where her womb was.

The same circular pattern she had done with both Miguel and Mia.

Unknowingly comforting the youngest of her children, which had yet to announce itself.

Awhhh cute cx Waaaay too cute! Time for some Jason and Sandra cx
POV of no one, just kinda 3rd person

Sandra stood in front of Jason, tapping her foot.

Jason had called her to a café, which they both had fondness for.

A major fight had just happened, and Sandra came to the table armed with enough defenses to put a lawyer to shame.

Jason admitted defeat (but only to himself, because Sandra would never let him let it go).

He knew that it was wrong of him to assume that if children ever came up, she would drop everything to raise it

Sandra had every right to be angry.

If she wanted to work instead of full time mom, that was fine with Jason.

But as always, Jason spoke before he could even ask himself Should I say this, or would it result in consequence?

Sandra beckoned him to the usual table, showing a bit of mercy, since Jason had remembered to get her cookie.

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