Chapter 2

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Everyday was the same.

Same cycle.

Same routine.

Same everything.

Some people would like that.

A still, unbreakable pattern.

I was not one of those people.

Glancing over at the clock for the millionth time in the night, I realized it was finally 6 am.

I sighed in relief.

Another sleepless night had passed, but at least I wouldn't have to keep glaring at the clock like it was my enemy.

I quickly got up and pulled some skinny jeans on and a Fall Out Boy shirt on.

I might get bullied but at least I have good taste in music.

Glancing in the mirror, I saw myself in the full terrifying light.

My black hair hung in front of my dark eyes, making a sharp contrast against my pale skin.

I'm such a weak excuse for a human.

The sight of myself made me sick to my stomach but I didn't have anything left to puke.

I turned away, almost ashamed of looking at myself and walked out of my room.

My dad had long past left us, but that was fine.

The only family I really cared about was my mom and my sister, Bianca.

I went into the living room and found my mom sitting there, reading a magazine.

Noticing my presence, she looked up and removed her glasses.

"Is everything all right, Nico?" she asked quietly.

I nodded stiffly and she looked at me a little bit longer.

"Bianca's taking the bus in a bit, would you like to join her?" she asked slowly.

I swallowed hard and shook my head.

"I'd rather walk, but thanks anyway," I whispered.

She frowned but didn't say anything else and put her glasses back on.

I pulled on my black hoodie, grabbed my binder, and started for the door.

"Nico.." my mother's soft voice crossed the tense air.

I turned slowly and faced her.

"I love you, okay? Don't forget that I love you, Nico." She whispered.

I smiled a little and nodded, and whispered back an I love you too, Mom.

I exited out apartment building and walked toward a little park near my school.

I sat down on a swing and rocked a little.


I pulled out my phone and saw I had a new text.

Bianca: You left before me :(

I smiled slightly before replying to her.

Sorry. I needed some quiet time. I'll take the bus home if you want?

A few minutes passed and I got another text from my sister.

Bianca: That'd be great ^-^ I won't look like a loner anymore.

That's funny, Bianca. You think you're a loner. At least you don't get beaten.

I sighed and checked the time again. It was almost 8, so I started walking towards the school again, hoping I wouldn't be late.

I was almost about to go in when I heard the footsteps.

They were too slow to be people walking past me, but too fast to be casual uninterested people.

"Well well well. What do we have here?"

I felt my heart stop and my blood freeze inside my veins.

Two days in a row? Right now? What if Bianca sees it happen?

I didn't have time to think.

Hits started raining on me.

Punches and kicks and insults.

Consciousness was starting to blur and I could taste blood.

I heard something about prince?

The pain continued but no more hits where thrown at me.

I felt Bianca grab me and I saw her familiar light brown eyes.

"Nico stay with me. Just hold until we get help. Just a little bit longer Nico..."

Her voice was starting to fade away.

The last thing I see before I black out is a pair of green eyes staring back at me.

A/N: Hey guys ^-^ What do you think? I know its weird but I promise they'll meet soon and then yay ^-^ Okie bye ^-^

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