Chapter 1

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Vanessa Jones

We finally arrived in Atlanta so the big dude  who brought the bags in the plane was Veno but people know him as Big V so he got the bags and put it in the black on black escalade .

Dad led me to the escalade and had me got in then he got in after me while Big V and one other dude climb in the driver seat and passenger seat we drove off from the private jet and we were driving for a while.

Me: ummm.......... dad I kinda shattered my phone because I didn't want my mom's ex boyfriend coming near me so I need a next phone and can I change my number too.

Dad: Vanessa Allyanna Jones why are you hiding from him ................wait "DID HE FUCKING TOUCH YOU"

Me:*sniffs* daddy he raped me and beat me and the thing is he beat me and mom was watching plus I may be pregnant  I'm not sure I had slight bleeding a few days ago 

Dad: I am taking you to the hospital and I will get you a new phone and have the number change 

Me: *wipes face* ok daddy 

So daddy took me to the hospital and they took blood and checked down there and did a rape kit on me they also did some scans and stuff .

We now waiting for the results  now so we can know if I am pregnant or not cause if I am I am going to take care pf my baby .

The doctor finally came in with the results .

We were able to detect that she had been raped two months ago and also we did a pregnancy test and she is two and a half months so I am going to prescribe some prenatal vitamins for her and also I will give her some pamphlet on motherhood and pregnancy and also a list of dos and don'ts said the doctor.

Dad: Thank you doctor  and I will keep an eye on her thank you so much 

I know my dad  is mad that his baby girl was raped and now I am pregnant  by that jerk but I know if I see this unborn baby I will see his face and uggggggggggggg....... I hate the fact that I am going to see his face in my baby.

Dad: Baby  your bleeding 

I looked down and dad was right so he called the doctor back  and they took me in and I had a miscarriage through stressing a while ago when I was thinking .

I had to stay in the hospital  for observation I cried myself to sleep .


So sad that she lost the baby and found out the same day 

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Bree and Ray 

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