Chapter 14

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So its still summer break and I'm having a blast along with my twin sis or triplet and my baby sisters and my brothers and my dad .

Today dad said he had something important to tell us I'm wondering what he needs to tell us i hope its good news.

"Nessa come  downstairs and bring Trina and the twins "yelled dad so I came out of my room and went in Trina's room and told her to come cause dad said so then we went in the nursery to get the twins.

"Ok dad so what is so important that you want to tell us "said Katrina and I agree with her what is so important .

"Well I'm seeing someone and I have been seeing her  from the twins came to us and I want you two along with Tori and Toriana to come meet her "he told us I hope she is nice and accepting .

"When do you want us to meet her dad" I asked curious as to when will we meet the mysterious lady who has my dad's heart .

"Tonight Nessa at red lobster " he said I cannot wait to meet her  hope she adores the twins Tori and Toriana and Trina and I .

"Ok dad Trina and I will find an outfit to wear for us and the twins tonight "I said so Trina and I went up to the twins room to find a cute outfit for them .

"So I think we should all match and it will look so cute and sis we need to wear heels "said Trina and I agree with her .

***Later on ***

It was time to go with dad to meet his special lady I already bathed so i just wore a robe so I can bathe the twins and get them dressed.

I dressed them in their matching black dress with matching red shoes and stockings once they were dressed I packed their diaper bag and their bottles were mixed already .

I placed them in their swings in their nursery and went to get dressed I wore the same thing as my sister and red heels to match .

I placed them in their swings in their nursery and went to get dressed I wore the same thing as my sister and red heels to match

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Once we were dressed we got the babies and their diaper bag since their carrier  is downstairs so Valentina and I got them and took them downstairs and placed them in the carriers .

"Yall ready to go " said dad  he wore a red dress up shirt and black slacks with red shoes dad looked so handsome and we were all matching so cool.

"Yes daddy we are ready "said Valentina so we followed dad as he got the carriers with the twins while we had the babies diaper bag .

We got in dad's escalade and he drove off towards Red Lobster where we will be meeting his girlfriend we are so excited to meet her .

We arrived shortly we got the twins out I was holding Toriana and Valentina was holding Tori we all walked in Red Lobster together.

"Good night welcome to Red Lobster" said the hostess smiling at  us she is so red and ugly yall its so funny anyhow.

"I made reservation under Jones  table for four and baby seats "said dad as he talked to this ugly red skinned hostess she was mannerly but she is very ugly .

"OK sir I will show you follow me please" she said so she lead us to a table and handed us some menus as we sat down then she left.

"Hey babe  "said a familiar voice where in the world did I hear that voice from oh my goodness I know we met before .

"Hey baby "said dad replying to the familiar voice I couldn't see who it was cause dad had us facing the next way.

Then she walked up where we could've  seen her and guess what it happened to be Nurse Raven the nurse who helped us I am so happy .


Hey yall please leave a feedback 

How many of yall knew who it was going to be ?

How many didn't know?

Their dad is dating Nurse Raven and if you don't remember her read the previous chapters guys 

Bree and Ray 

Chapter 15 will be up soon 

By the way I need a celebrity who can play Nurse Raven

if you have any ideas leave a feedback below yall 

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