Chapter 4

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Hey guys  I'm continuing on from where we left off from last chapter so enjoy the chapter

Bree and Ray


Vanessa Jones 

So after I punched her I was send to the principal's office along with her they called her parents and mines so we both sat down in the principal's office glaring at each other I hate this dumb ass hoe she gon be the reason why I have attitude at school and today is my first day at this school.

So dad and two couple  I'm guessing the hoe parents came in the principal office I looked at dad and he was furious at me and I knew he was gonna take me home and whoop my behind so I was scared .

Ok so Mr Jones and Mrs.&Mr Romer ya children were in a lil feud so were gonna hear both of their side of the stories said the principal.

HoeKisha: so she starts punching me for no reason and called a bitch

Principal: Ms Jones your story now 

Me: So im sitting with my betie kat and I ask why is that girl mugging me so my friends says she is jealous so she say "bitch move " and I told she got one more time to call me out of my name so goes on to repeat the b word three times so I just punched her for calling me outta my name

Principal: ok there you have it both your daughters will be suspended for four days 

Dad: Lil gurl I am disappointed in you 

Me: *mumbles* sorry daddy 

Dad: you gon be sorry when we get home 

I know he was saying I am going to get it at home when we reach so I just  followed him to the car with my head down and crying .

** At Home**

Dad: Go in my room Iwill be up their soon 

Me: yyesss sir 

I went upstairs to my dad's room and sat on his bed crying my eyes out cause Im gonna get a whooping .


He tells me to pull down my pants and panties and he whoops me on my bare  butt and it hurt then he told me to go to my room and think about what I did .

I ran in my room crying my eyes off she called me ot of my name why am I being punished I was defending myself .

I cried myself to sleep .

**** 4 hours later****

So  I was awoken by my twin Valentino shaking me and giving all my homework assignments for today since I got suspended .

So I told him thank you and did my homework and put them in a folder and gave him it so he can carry it tomorrow since im suspended.

Then my dad came in my room so I went in my bathroom and slammed the door in his face because I didnt want to see him.

Dad: Baby girl open the door 

Me: *sniffs* go away I dont want to talk to you 

Dad: Please open the door come talk to me and tell me what happen and how you feel

I came out the bathroom and sat on the bed dad came and sat next to me .

Me: I feel like she was calling me out my name and jealous she taught I was twin's girl but she taught wrong  and she kept on calling to B word so I got mad and punched her

Dad: You were wrong but I know my baby girl got her fighting skills from me and I love you baby and I discipline you because I love you and I want the best 

Me: I love you to daddy  but I know I have eight brothers so who the other two 

Daddy : well I got my girl pregnant and she is pregnant with my child

Me: ok can I meet her soon

Daddy : yes baby 


This is a quick update continuing from the previous chapter guys please vote and comment .

Bree and I will like for you to share both our books and thank you to those who voted 

Bree and Ray

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