Chapter 13

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It has been three weeks since we had a surprise at our door our baby sisters Victoria and Victoriana and they are angels Valentina and I we take care of them every day and we feed them as well .

Today is another summer day and I am so happy no school for two months then we return the end of August so I am happy I get to relax all day so today is a hot day so Valentina and I decided to hang out in our pool in the house well our indoor pool .

I decided to wash up and then put on my swim suit then I threw my hair in a bun to keep it from getting wet .

Valentina: Nessa you dress yet so we can go in the pool

Me: Yeah boo I am

So we went in the nursery to check on the twins and they were wide awake so we went and wiped them off and changed them into their bathing suits then we went in the kitchen to make their bottle so they can eat.

Dad: why yall in yall bathing suits

Me: because we are going in the pool daddy

The twins bathing suit including the triplets Vanessa and Valentina (above)

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The twins bathing suit including the triplets Vanessa and Valentina (above)

Dad: why don't I make it a family fun day girls

Valentina: ok daddy

Me: we need to see if we can cook up some things and dad invite Nurse Raven that's if she isn't working

Dad: ok I really like her

Valentina: Dad's gotta a crush

Me: Dad has a crush

Daddy: ok keep doing it

Me: we better stop cause he may whoop us

Daddy: I am not gonna whoop yall right toriana

Toriana started giggling when dad talked her it was a cute moment just now then he talked to Tori and she started giggling they are so cute and adorable .

Me: well we are going to feed them and put they in their playpen while we try to cook somethings cause I learnt to cook in home economics at my old school

Valentina: well grammy thought me when she wasn't on drugs so I'll help you sis

Vareno: Morning yall

Me: Morning bro go get in some swim attire were having a family fun day

Valentino: Did someone say were having a family fun day

Valentina : Yes duh nessa just told Vareno were having a family fun day bro

Vareno: ok sis going to get ready now

While everyone got ready we fed the twins and we placed them in their play pen so we can get started on cooking dad said e is going to start up the grill with the meat on it so I started on some potato salad so I boiled the potatoes first then while that was cooking I chopped up al the herbs for the salad and also I hard boiled some eggs .

Valentina started on the baked macaroni and cheese and also she started frying some chicken while I finished the potato salad after everything was cooked once the salad was mixed to perfection I went and started making red velvet cupcakes .

**2 hours later **

We were done cooking so we rest everything outside on the counter by the indoor pool and then we got the baby pool items for the twins and we set up the drinks and everything then we went inside and the door bell happened to ring so I went and answered it.

Omari:Hey my lovely niece

Me: Hey Uncle O glad your here did dad call you and Uncle A

Amari: Yeah he did

Dad: I did what

Me: call uncle them

Dad: yeah and ya grandma too

Me: ok we get to meet grandma

Grandma: yes baby you do get to meet me you are indeed beautiful

Me: Thanks grandma and so are you

Grandma: where is your sister

Valentina: Right here grandma

We had a fun time we played in the pool we played the game where you are on someone's shoulder and you have to push them down well I was on dad's shoulder while Tina was on Uncle Amari shoulder and dad and I win then we placed Tori and Toriana in the water and they were splashing away we ate and talked grandma showed us some pictures of dad them when they were younger .


This is the end of the chapter guys please leave a feed back and vote thank you so much hope you enjoy this update

Bree and Ray

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