Chapter 5

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Vanessa Jones 

3 days later 

There was no school today so Katrina was coming over to kick it and I wanted to introduce her to everyone one but I notice something bout my bestie and what I notice was she looked just like me and she looked like dad also I wanted to ask her bout her people cause we may be related .

So I woke up still in my pajamas so I got out my room and went to dad's room he was still in bed knock out and shirtless he twitch then he woke up and saw me by his door so he got out of bed ewww......... my dad sleeps in boxers with no shirt 

Dad: Good morning baby girl you want something 

Me: No daddy I have this weird feeling that my best friend maybe my brother and I  triplet we all kinda look alike daddy plus she looks just like you 

Dad : We will do a DNA test and do everything ok so get ready and call ya friend and tell her come now 

Text convo between Vanessa and Katrina

LovelyNessa: Trina come now and I believe you may be related to me 

BossbitchTrina: I have been feeling that way like I was going through my grandma things and I looked and saw a picture with ya mom and I was like why does my grandma have a pic with your mom

LovelyNessa: Bring it boo and bring any documents I found my moms birth certificate ,and mines and oh my goodness.......

BossbitchTrina: What girl what you found 

LovelyNessa: Ii just found three birth certficates one says Valentina  Katrina Jones ,Vanessa Alyanna Jones ,Valentino Alexander Jones and the birth day is June 25th boo

BossbitchTrina: wait ya bday on the 25th too and why did she do this to us ........ omw


So Trina came quickly I got dress so did Valentino and dad and I gave dad everything I found so did Trina so we were now in dad's range rover on the way to the hospital  .

Me: I cant believe all my life I was lied to by my mom 

Dad: I cant believe that I may have triplets and twins 

Trina:  All my life was a lie my name may not be Katrina and my grandmother has been lying to me all my life dred 

Tino: I cant believe I'm a triplet dred I two sisters dred man why mom lied to all of us 

Us: I don't know 

So we arrived at the hospital and dad parked the car and we got out with the evidence and we went inside .

Nurse: how can I help

Dad: yes .....I need the birth certificates of  Vanessa Jones ,Valentina Jones and Valentino Jones

Nurse : ok and if you want we can take blood from all of them to see if they triplets and also a DNA test on all of you and we can get the results today sir

Dad: Ok that's cool and can you take my blood too as well it may help also

Nurse : Ok just fill these forms out and we will get right to you 

Dad: Ok 

The nurse led us to a room and she took all our blood and went to get it tested and she did a DNA test on Katrina and dad  plus she got our records.

Nurse: Ok so I don't have bad new all three of them are indeed triplets the oldest Valentino Alexander ,then Vanessa Alyanna and Valentina Katrina and you Vardo Alejandro Jones Sr  is the father of all three and their blood matches yours too 

Dad: Thank you so much 

So dad went and got full custody of Valentina  and we went by my mom's mother house and packed up everything of Valentina and then dad said we can go shopping for more of her stuff for our room he had his interior designer remodel my room well our room they built a next closet and bathroom for us so we don't have to worry.

We left the hospital and went straight to the mall dad parked the car and dad ,me ,Trina  went our way and Tino went his way  .

Me : lets go forever 21 

Trina: cool love this store

So we got similar outfits to match  and few acid jeans for us then we got some accessories  then we went to the cash register and dad paid for all then we went on to a few more stores then dad took us to foot locker where got us the whole damn store .

Trina and I: Thank you daddy 

Dad: your welcome my princesses 

We went to a few more stores then we all went to lunch talk and he went over the ground rules with Trina and stuff and we all ate and mingle then we went home.

When we got to our room it was remodeled they built a bathroom just for Trina and did a walk in closet for her she was shocked well me too our room was lovely .

Me: Gurl sis I wonder what the hoe gon try do when she finds out that me,you and Tino are triplets 

Trina: gurl I could careless I hate that hoe dred and she thinks our triplet likes her no he doesn't 

Me: I heard like she did the entire football squad 


Yes Trina .Nessa and Tino are triplets cant you believe it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And is there mom wrong ?



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Chapter 6 is coming soon yall !!!!!!!

Bree and Ray 

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