Chapter 12

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This chapter will be continued from the previous chapter so advise everyone to read chapter 11 before this chapter if you havent read chapter 11.

Bree and Ray

Vanessa Jones 

Valentina and I got dressed and decided to go with dad to the hospital to make sure the twins are healthy  so I threw on a maxi dress and some sandals and left my hair curly I walked out my room and twin had something similar on but her hair was straight  and we had on the same sandals .

Valentina and I got dressed and decided to go with dad to the hospital to make sure the twins are healthy  so I threw on a maxi dress and some sandals and left my hair curly I walked out my room and twin had something similar on but her hair was s...

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Their outfit ^^^^^^

So we went downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed like a pop tart and juice cause knwing how dad goes he in a hurry so we went to where the babies were and sat down near them whoever the hoe was is wrong for that but my sis and I along with our brothers will help take care of them  so dad will have a lot of help with them.

Dad: Yall ready 

Us: Yes sir 

Dad  grabs the raggedy seats the twins are in and we follow behind him out the house to his escalade  so dad strapped them in and we got in the back with them and he drove off.

Me: I cant believe that their mom left them at ya door step dad

Valentina: yeah I mean she wrong for that and she said they were born last week so when were they born what day she didnt even check to feed thes adorable girls but dad we will help you

Dad: I love you too and will love these two bundles of joy 

Me: I think we should get a DNA test on them and also let them give them their booster shot and they  look about a month old 

We arrived at the hospital and dad parked the car and we got out and grabbed the babies and went inside .

Nurse Raven : Yall again what a pleasure how can I  help yall this time 

Dad: Well a hoe who I use to sleep with got pregnant with these twins and left them on my door step

Nurse Raven: Ok so follow me and we can do tests on them and a DNA test too and we will do a birth certificate and a test to see how old they are.

Dad: ok 

So we followed her to the back so she got the babies and checked them and also they did a DNA test and they were indeed dad's children and they were born last week which was the 23rd of June and they are healthy .

Nurse Raven : Ok on their birth certificate  what will be their name and ya name will be on it as their dad but you don't know the mom name 

Dad: no but my triplet girls will name the babies 

Me: Baby A Victoria Alexis 

Trina: Baby B Victoriana Alexa 

Nurse Raven : lovely names ok and yall last name is ?

Me: Jones 

Dad: and it will sound good on your name Nurse Raven Jones can I get your digits 

Nurse Raven: You trying to get at me well ok 525-678-423 (not a real number guys) 

Dad added her number and called it and saved it then they handed Victoria and Victoriana back to us and we went to the mall to go shopping for them and then Walmart to get diapers ,wipes, formulas and everything for them.

Dad added her number and called it and saved it then they handed Victoria and Victoriana back to us and we went to the mall to go shopping for them and then Walmart to get diapers ,wipes, formulas and everything for them

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The twins Victoria and Victoriana and a few of their onesies ^^^^^

After we got their clothes and stuff dad drove us to Walmart and parked the car he stayed in the car with the twins while Trina and I went in the store to get the stuff for the babies he gave us his card to use too.

We went inside and got two trolleys so we went to the section where the diapers were and got three packs of them ,four packs of wipes then we got two carriers and the stroller for them we also got bottles, bottle warmer ,formula ,pacifiers ,bibs, burp cloth, towels,baby lotion ,baby shampoo and body wash combs ,car seats  and everything we went and paid for it then we exit the store.

Once we had all the essentials they needed we went home dad had called his interior designer to design their nursery and it was finished when we got home .

Once we had all the essentials they needed we went home dad had called his interior designer to design their nursery and it was finished when we got home

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How their crib in the nursery looks like along with the changing tables^^^


The babies mother is wrong?

Pops likes the nurse yall

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Bree & Ray 

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