Chapter 7

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Vanessa Jones

Today  is a next  day of school and I just hope Takisha ass don't be slick cause my twin and I will fuck her up cause she always tryna mess with people.

I woke up to VJ jumping on my bed like he stupid so I pushed him off my bed and went back to sleep for a few minutes then dad came and hit with the belt five times just to get me out of bed like why you beating me just to get out the bed .

I finally  woke up and went in the bathroom brushing my teeth and washing my face hopping in the shower using my dove body wash then rinsing off and staying in the water for fifteen minutes after that I got out and dried my body off.

I finally  woke up and went in the bathroom brushing my teeth and washing my face hopping in the shower using my dove body wash then rinsing off and staying in the water for fifteen minutes after that I got out and dried my body off

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Vanessa and Valentina outfit ^^^^^

So I put on my outfit what was a black and white New York shirt with some skinny jeans my accessories Ii did my makeup and added a jordan cap to my curly head Ii packed my bag and came out my room as twin came out her room.

She had on a tommy Hilfiger shirt with acid wash skinny jeans and her red and white jays with her bag and her hair was in a bun with the rest of her hair out .(mm)

Me: ya looking good boo

Tina/Trina: you too sis  

We walked down the stairs together straight to the kitchen where dad was cooking so we sat down and waited for him to finish cooking .

Me: Morning dad 

Tina/Trina: Morning daddy 

Dad: Morning daughters 

VJ: Morning everyone

Trina&I: Morning bro 

Dad: Morning Jr 

*** At School***

We arrived at school and we went to our locker and got out our books for our classes today then we went and sat by VJ and Valentino .

Hoe: Didn't I tell yall sluts not to be near my man Valentino 

Trina/Tina: hoe he is our brother so carry ya nasty loose pussy bitch

Me: yeah listen to my triplet cause our triplet Valentino don't want ya ass hoe right bro

Valentino: I never liked here hoe ass heard the basketball team went through her 

Hoe: * walks away in shame*

After doing her in the bell finally rings and we go to our bio class as we walking to the bio class hoe and her sluts or minions come blocking our way to bio class

Valentino: Move or I will move you 

Hoe: no babe don't move me I want to fight these hoes 

Valentino : don't call my triplets fucking hoes cause they een hoes  bitch so watch it 

All of sudden she slaps him so me  and Trina went beating her ass and her brother goes to beat our brother but him and VJ beat his ass while me and Trina beat the hoe and her minions.

We are all sent to the principal's office where she calls our parents and I know dad will be furious with all of us especially me and trina .

Principal: I called all your parents now when they come I will allow yall to tell me the story am I understood

Us: yes ma'am

So dad walks in with other parents and so he sits next to me and I can see that he is very angry with me so I just sat there .

Principal: now I called yall because all of your children were involved with a fight that broke out so Takisha please tell ya story then the triplets.

Hoe: so Trina and her hoe of a sister came beating me and my friends up for no reason gco 

Me: hoe you know you lying see it all started before school started she came to me and trina and told us to stay away from our triplet but he is our brother so Valentino tells her off and she walks away then when the bell rings she blocks our way so we tell her move but she just starts to fight us and I een about someone bullying me and my siblings so we fought and her brother tries to come at us so my brothers fought him

Principal : ok well Takisha ,and Tareno you two are suspended for two weeks and Lela and laya yall are too as for VJ ,Valentino ,Valentina and Vanessa you are not suspended but you will return back to school tomorrow understood.

Us: Yes sir 

So we grab our bags and follow dad to his escalade and get in .

Dad: when we get home I'm whooping every last one of you  I told you all not to fucking fight but yall don't listen 

Me: dad she was asking for it 

Trina : yeah she was so if she coming at my sister I will defend my sister 

Dad: Ii don't give a fuck you know what it means to come to school and to hear my children were fighting huh 

Me: but dad she started we didn't want to fight the bitch was asking for it 

Dad pops me in my mouth and I start to cry as we were on our way home .

Dad: what the fuck you crying for I een give you nothing to cry yet so stop all that damn crying before I give you something to cry for .

We arrived home and we all got out  the car grabbing our bag and going inside so dad had all of us go to his room.

Dad: VJ go in my closet and get my leather belt 

VJ goes and gets the leather  belt so me and Trina looked at each other scared so VJ gives him the belt .

Dad : Vanessa come here pull ya pants down now

So I pulled my jeans down and he grabs me and he starts whooping me and I'm crying pleading for him to stop he goes on for ten minutes more then he stop I pulled my pants up crying loud .

Dad: Shut the fuck up you wasn't crying when you was fighting Vanessa Alyanna Jones  now Valentina come and pull ya pants down.

So Valentina pulls her jeans down and dad grabs her and he whoops her but not as long as he whooped me she also is crying so she pulled up her pants and we both hugged each other crying .

Dad: Come Valentino pull ya pants down you want to be like ya triplets and fight to come and VJ ya ass gon get more seeing your older than them .

Dad whoops Valentino and he is screaming and crying when dad whoops him so he pulls his pants up and comes by us hugging us.

VJ gets the most he just lets dad whoop him then dad told us we are all grounded .

Me: Ya know dad where you be when I'm getting bullied or my sister and where were you when mom allowed her bf to you know what to me I hate you 


Is Vanessa wrong for telling her father she hates him?

Who is in the wrong ?






Tareno her brother 

The minions 

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Bree and Ray

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