Chapter 23

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It has been a week since my baby sister Valencia was born and I'm so happy now dad has five beautiful daughters but I'm indeed happy today we are having a family gathering well we are welcoming our newest addition to the family.

I'm currently in the kitchen with my dad cooking breakfast the gathering doesn't start until twelve o'clock and it's only eight in the morning so yeah but I was enjoying the time with dad in the kitchen I should do this more often.

" Vanessa go let everyone know that breakfast is done and tell them come downstairs please baby girl " said my dad so I did what he told me I walked upstairs.

" I don't care what you fucking say I'm not the father of your baby because when we had sex I used a condom so stop pinning the baby on me cause you're not pregnant if you are go to the doctor" I overheard my brother on the phone yelling so I just knocked on the door.

" Dad said come downstairs breakfast is ready tell Valentino too and I won't tell dad what I heard just make sure the baby ain't yours cause dad will kill you " I said being honest.

" She claiming she pregnant and she wants to meet up with dad and Mamma and I'm scared dad my whoop me but I'm going to take her to the doctor to see if she really pregnant " said VJ .

" VJ dad is going to be mad but you have to tell him the truth about it and if she pregnant with your baby you have to step up and be there for the baby " I said to my brother.

I went in my room I share with my sister and I told her breakfast is downstairs then I woke up the rest of my brothers and the twins who are now ten months just then they were a month old left on the steps of the door.

" Dad there is something I have to tell you um...this girl claimed that I got her pregnant I used a condom and I told her I want a DNA test done plus she wants to meet you and mom ( Nurse Raven) " said VJ.

I wonder what dad will say or his reaction Lord help my brother cause he might get a whooping oh my goodness.

" I'm not mad but VJ let this girl know I want a meeting with her parents and a DNA test we can get an early one so we can do that you will own up to your responsibilities " said Dad oh that wasn't so bad as I came in the kitchen with Victoria.

Dad took her from me so I went and started eating my breakfast then Valentina came downstairs with Victorious so she handed her to me.

" Good morning everyone how did everyone sleep I know Valencia was crying like crazy but now she is peacefully sleeping " said mom.

" Well VJ may have a baby on the way I'm trying to get a DNA done so I told him to call the girl so we can have the test done and when we get the test done and it comes back positive we can have dinner " said dad.


It's short, I know, is the baby really VJ own? Yes or No , continue reading

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