Chapter 30

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This is continuing from the last chapter guys so I advise you to read the previous chapter. And thank you this book has reached 16k so thank you for reading this book I appreciate you guys so much❤❤❤


We were in times square walking around it was so beautiful in real life I saw plenty it on television a lot.

I was fascinated by it I mean it was so beautiful I couldn't believe it.

Valentina, Azariah and I we went in a baby store so we walked around I noticed some cute dresses for my niece so I grabbed a few and placed them in the shopping cart.

I found some cute hair bands and also some cute socks and onesie .

" Vanessa I like those dresses baby girl is going be looking pretty" said Azariah as we continued looking for cute outfits.

" My niece has to look cute and I found some cute onesies for her as well" I said

We continued shopping for my niece and we went shopping for the twins and Valencia.

After we shopped for them I went and got some stuff for myself and I got some clip ins and some wigs .

We were finally done shopping for today so we were on our way home to get ready for dinner.

We arrived at the mansion and we unloaded the vehicle and we placed the stuff in the living room.

" Girls go get cleaned up we are going for dinner " said Selena and incase your wondering who she is well thats Azariah's mom.

We went upstairs to the rooms we were staying in and went to get changed .

I decided to wear a floral sundress with some sandals I braided the weave I had on in a french braid

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I decided to wear a floral sundress with some sandals I braided the weave I had on in a french braid.

I grabbed my phone and cross body purse and I walked out the room downstairs.

" Girl you looking  gorgeous in that off the shoulder sundress " said Azariah .

" I should say pregnancy got you looking gorgeous as well " I said

" Awe you think so this little girl be making me mad she be pressing on my bladder ugh " she said.

" Awe my but do you still have morning sickness " I asked her .

" Well not that much but certain foods   I can't eat because she don't like it " she said .

" My niece think  she is the boss but aunty says to relax and leave mommy alone " I said rubbing her stomach.

" Yes she needs to relax on mommy is correct " she said .

We waited for the rest to come downstairs because we were starving.

My sister finally came downstairs and then mom and Ms. Selena came downstairs after she came down.

"  Yall ready to go so we can come back and go through the baby clothes " said mom.

" Yes ma'am " we said so she grabbed her purse and we all walked outside and the driver was outside waiting for us.

So he opened the door for us and we all got in and he got in the driver's seat .

We all were quiet  as he was driving us to this restaurant.

We  arrived at the restaurant and Derek opened our door we all  got out  and we walked behind mom and Ms. Selena.

Mom them apparently made some reservations because we were seated right away .

The waitress came and got our drinks order .

" I saw yall got some cute clothes for the baby my grand baby will be stepping in style " said Ms. Selena.

" Ms. Selena  our niece will be cute all the time we won't spoil her but we will love her and adore her " said Valentina.

We enjoyed the restaurant the food was excellent and the dessert was so delicious.

We went back home to the mansion because tomorrow was going to be lit but we have to rest.


I will be continuing the New York trip in the next chapter.

This book is almost finished just a few more chapters and we are done.

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