Chapter 33

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No ones POV

About a week ago Vanessa and Valentina threw a baby shower for Azariah now she can have baby Arianna anytime soon.

Azariah had a bag packed for her and baby arianna already because she knew she can give birth at any moment.

Just as she was about to go pee she felt liquid gushing down her leg knowing that it wasn't pee but indeed her water had broke.

" Mom my water broke we need to call Mr. Jones them and tell them meet us at the hospital " said Azariah.

She quickly showered and threw on some clothes grabbing her and the baby's hospital bag and walking out her room downstairs where her mother was waiting.

" I called Raven and Vardo and they are all on their way to the hospital they will meet us there " said Selena.

She grabbed Azariah's bags and she carried them to her car then she helped Azariah in the car she made sure she looked the house up then she got in the car and pulled off to Atlanta Medical Hospital.

They arrived to the hospital within three minutes Selena parked her car and got Azariah out along with her hospital bags and they walked in the hospital.

" Good morning ma'am my water broke and I'm currently in labor my contraction comes every three minutes " said Azariah .

So the nurse went and got a wheel chair and wheeled Azariah toner hospital room and told her the doctor will be up soon to check to see how many centimeters she is dilated.

It was the moment everyone has been waiting for even the twins Victoria and Victorious was excited they were going to be Auntys soon .

The doctor came and checked Azariah and she was only two centimeters dilated she would soon be able to give birth.

She was in so much pain due to the contractions coming in and out luckily Vanessa was helping with her breathing exercises and she felt better even though the pain was horrible.

" VJ I hate you I swear you caused this ugh she needs to.come out of me now " said Azariah.

" Babe just calm down you know you love me but soon our daughter will be here in the world " said VJ.

" I know but for know I can't stand you right now cause these damn contractions hurt so damn much" said Azariah.

3 minutes later

The doctor came back and checked Azariah again the last time the doctor was in the room she was two centimeters dilated now she is five centimeters dilated she will soon be fully dilated.

" My beautiful niece will be here soon Azariah and I'm glad you're her mother " said Valentina.

" Yeah your like a sister to us so we are glad your Ariana's mom " said Vanessa

" I'm glad that she will have such amazing Aunties and Uncles as well as a loving dad " said Azariah.

It was almost time for Azariah to start pushing and it was like two minutes later as well so the doctor came back and Azariah was finally dilated.

She wanted VJ , Vanessa and Valentina to be with her while she gave birth so Vanessa held her hand and Valentina held her next hand they were coaching her as she pushed.

Finally Arianna Violet Jones was born into the world .

Finally Arianna Violet Jones was born into the world

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Baby Arianna


Baby Arianna is finally here

Ok so I have about four to five more chapters write and this book will be completed.

Errors will be corrected later on

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