Chapter 26

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Dinner yesterday was so amazing and my sister and I got to know Azariah well she is the same age as us fifteen about to be sixteen like us.

She is in the same grade as us and she likes planning stuff like us she says from she saw our brother VJ she had a crush on him.

I told her that we are going to best friends and hang together plus we were surprised with an shopping spree to New York.

Today Azariah and her mom is coming down by us to hang out well my uncles and grammy coming to so they can meet Azariah news got out to them.

So dad decided that he would have a grill out today so I texted Azariah and told her to wear a swimsuit.

I got out of bed and went straight inside my bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face then I went in my room slipping on my slides.

I went downstairs straight to the kitchen to start making breakfast for the family

I made pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, buttermilk biscuits and fruit platter.

Once I was done I made my plate and sat down and started to eat everyone was probably sleeping.

" Baby girl you cook all of this thank you " said dad.

" Your welcome daddy enjoy the breakfast " I said to my dad.

" something smells absolutely amazing in here who cooked " said mom

" I cook mom enjoy your breakfast " I said as she made a plate.

" Trust me I will enjoy this breakfast " she said as she sat next to dad.

" Dad I'm going to get the twins up so I can feed them " I said as I went upstairs to their nursery.

I went inside their nursery and Victoria was up so I took her out the crib and place her on the changing table.

I took off her pajamas and pampers then I carried her in the bathroom I turned the water on and placed her in the tub filled with water.

In case your wondering how hold are Victoria and Victorious well they are 10 going on eleven months they will be one in two months.

I got her wash cloth and poured the baby soap on it and started washing her body up then I rinsed her off and wrapped her up in her baby towel then I carried her to the changing table.

I got a clean diaper and place on her along with one of her cute swimsuit I got her.

I placed her in her crib while I got Victorious I did the same thing with her then I got her dressed then I grabbed Victoria and Victorious and went downstairs with them.

As I got to the kitchen dad took Victoria from me and Valentina got Victorious from me so I went back upstairs to get dress.

The twins^^^( I used the McClure twins) 

Once I was dressed in my bathing suit I put my sheer shirt on with some shorts.

The minute I walked downstairs I heard the door bell ring so I went and opened the door.

" Hey Azariah come right in " I said as I opened the door.

" Hey Vanessa oh by the way my mom said to thank you and your family for helping me " she said.

" Its no problem but I didn't notice you in school until now but girl you are Valentina and I best friend so don't you worry" I said.

We walked inside the kitchen where my parents were and we sat down just as we sat down Valentina came down stairs.

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