Chapter 24

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" Ok well VJ  you did or didn't use protection because it could be your baby even if you used protection did you" asked mom

" Mom I did use protection when we did it but I could have tore the condom because I opened it with my teeth but I don't know how she got pregnant when we do the DNA test " said VJ .

" ok son you do know that condoms do expire so did you look at the expiration date son " said dad I know he didn't check the date on that damn condom so it's a possibility that the baby is his.

" Call the young lady and I will call my boss we can do the DNA test  and have dinner at one of your dad's restaurant " said mom .

" Mom is right Valentina and I can go with mom and dad along with VJ while Vareno them watch Valencia and the twins " I said.

" Ok y'all go get dress and Vareno there is breast milk in the fridge it's labeled and make sure change her diaper ok I already bathe her  so you don't have to worry about that " said mom.

" But Victoria and Victorious have to bathe they already ate " said Valentina we went upstairs to our room to get dressed.

" But Victoria and Victorious have to bathe they already ate " said Valentina we went upstairs to our room to get dressed

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Valentina,Vanessa and VJ outfit and how Vanessa and Valentina hairdo ^^^

Once we all dressed we got inside dad's Range Rover he left and we were on our way to the hospital VJ had called the young lady who happens to be pregnant.

We arrived at the hospital shortly dad parked the car and we all got out heading inside the hospital we went in the area where they do all the testing we met a pregnant girl who looked to be about four months pregnant and an lady about dad's age.

" Good morning I'm Raven VJ' s mom I understand that this lovely lady may be carrying his child I'm also sorry for my son " said mom.

" Good morning my name is Selena and this is my daughter Azariah I know that the child is his because I told my daughter condoms don't work one hundred percent of the times and it's nice meeting you " said the lady whose name is Selena .

" Good morning can I have Azariah and VJ come follow me I'm Doctor Johnson I'll be your doctor so what I'm going to do is take a blood sample from the young lady and swab VJ mouth " said Doctor Johnson.

So VJ them followed her and the rest of us sat down in the waiting area for them to come back then we have to wait for the results I feel like that the baby is VJ baby.

VJ and Azariah came back so they sat down with us and I ain't gon lie but Azariah looked like a cool person to hang with and I hope the baby she is carrying is my niece or nephew.

" I know this my grandchild because I know VJ didn't look at the expiry date but I will make sure your baby is taken care off and you are the girl for my son I can see that your mom raised you well " said dad

" Thank you so much and I really appreciate it and I love VJ well I like him he is amazing and I have eyes for him only sir " said Azariah.

" I have eyes for you only I was suppose to ask you to be my girlfriend will you be my girl " said VJ awe I like them two together.

" Yes VJ I will be your girl " said Azariah

" Ok I have the results and VJ congratulations your going to be a dad and congratulations to all of you " said Doctor Johnson.

I'm going to be an aunt I'm so happy y'all I hope I have a niece and Victorious them will not know anything because they are so young they are almost one.

" Ok so I want to meet for dinner tonight so we can discuss some things and I'm want to start a foundation for you and the baby Azariah for college and I will create a nursery for he or she " said dad.

" Thank you so much Mr. Jones I appreciate it so much " she said


The baby is VJ own, Azariah is a sweetheart, Vardo Sr. Is making a foundation for both Azariah and the baby , Vazariah , do you guys like the ship name? Or if you don't give me a ship name

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