Chapter 11

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Vanessa Jones

School was official closed for the summer and I was excited I get to do whatever I want for the whole summer so more boys so I'm sleeping and all of a sudden I hear the door bell go off so I get up out of my comfy bed and go downstairs to answer the door.

I go to the door and answer it and I see to cute adorable twin girls  with a manila envelope they were both wrapped up in raggedy blankets so I took them inside and sat them on the floor in the living room .

I went upstairs more like ran upstairs to Valentina's room shook her awake this is an emergency so she needs to get up.

Valentina: what Vanessa 

Me: The door bell rung and someone left their babies on our door steps

She quickly got up her expression was are you serious hoe or you lying so I had to tell her follow me to the living room .

Valentina: What the heck who left their babies on our door step

Vardo Jr: Who babies 

Me: I don't know they were left on our door step with this Manila envelope

Vardo Jr: well go wake dad up silly so he can get to the bottom of this 

I ran up the stairs to dads room waking him up in the process he must have heard my loud footsteps coming .

Dad: Vanessa why the fuck you running in the house while I'm trying to get some sleep

Vanessa: Because I was woke up by my sleep by the doorbell and need to come downstairs now

Dad: what for I'm trying to sleep girl 

Vanessa: Because someone left their babies on our porch

So dad followed me downstairs and went to the living room where the babies were so he opened the manila envelope and inside it was a letter :

Dear Vardo ,

These twins are your fucking bastards and I don't want them yes its me the girl you knocked up I had them bastards last week and I decided to give up my parental rights  and give you full custody besides my boyfriend said he don't want them bastards near us so they ya bastards to take care and by the way they don't have names yet 


Me: Hold up is this woman serious she an unfit mother anyhow she can go to hell and dad lets get them to the hospital to get check and then buy some clothes for them and have a nursery fixed for them,


This a quick chapter but chapter 12 will be up soon and will continue in the hospital then them shopping for the twins yall .

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Bree and Ray 

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