Chapter 9

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Vanessa Jones 

It is a another day of the hell hole and so I'm so tired of school but one thing I can say is that my grades are great I get straight A's in every class so I'm smart but I tell ya self about how you are if you mess with me .

Anyhow I got out of bed went in my bathroom brushed my teeth and washed my face then I went straight in the shower scrubbing my body with my peach body wash then I rinsed off and stayed in the shower for fifteen minutes then I got out and dried myself off .

Once I was dried I went and put on my bra and panties and went in my closet to pick out an outfit for school today .

Once I was dried I went and put on my bra and panties and went in my closet to pick out an outfit for school today

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Valentina ,Vanessa ,Valentino &VJ outfit for school^^^^^^^

I grabbed my bag and phone and went out my room and Trina was coming out her room the same time and we were matching  I wore black she wore pink with a black jogger while I wear a grey jogger and we wore vans mines were all black while hers was pink .

Me: We look good matching damn 

Trina: Gurl yes we should do this alot 

Me: oh yes we should

We went downstairs and went straight to the kitchen where dad was currently cooking breakfast and in his boxers like seriously dad.

Me: ummm...........morning dad and you realize ya shirtless and in boxers cooking like......put some clothes on dad you blinding me man 

Trina :yeah dad.........ewwwww 

Dad: when yall two gon learn that this is my house I run things I pay the motherfucking bills up in this house aye or 

Me: Gurl did daddy just cuss us out 

Trina: Yeah gurl he cussed his princesses out literally 

Me: I cant believe it dred dad did us in like that 

Dad: whatever here is yall breakfast 

Us: Thanks daddy 

Dad went upstairs to get dress and we ate our breakfast  and then we placed out dirty dishes in the dishwasher and waited for dad and Valentino and VJ .

Me: Trina you heard about Tasha party tonight 

Trina: yeah I heard some cheerleaders talking bout it saying how its going to be lit 

Me: we should go but if we ask dad he will say no so how bout we get Vareno to cover for us and we sneak out and sneak back in.

Trina: I don't know bout this but ok but if dad catches us we are bout taking the blame 

Me: ok sis 

Dad ,VJ and Valentino all came downstairs at the same time and dad grabbed his keys and we all followed  him to his range rover .

VJ: so dad there is this party tonight can Valentino and I go 

Dad: on a school night son the answer is no 

VJ: Ok 

Damn I know if Trina and I sneak out we gon get a serious cut hip damn I have to think of a way of not getting caught uggggggg.

We arrived at school dad gave us each our lunch money and told us to behave so we all got out and went inside the school. Trina and I went to our locker and got our books for our classes today.

Trina: girl we have to create a better plan dad told VJ no so if we sneak out to this party we gotta get in the house without dad knowing 

Me: we will sneak out the door to the pool and outside make sure we have the key to the house and then we get back inside and quietly without dad knowing .

Trina : ok alright .

** At Home**

So my sis and I are getting ready to sneak out so we get dress then we grab our purse placing our phone and keys in our purse heading to the pool and then we exit through the indoor pool outside and we sneak off to the party .

We are at the party but then as we were enjoying the party we notice VJ and Valentino there two so we go back home and sneak back inside without getting caught.

Me: girl we lucky we came back home cause we would have gotten whooping 

Trina: yes gurl so lets undress and go sleep.

**Later **

Valentina,Vanessa,Vardo Jr. and Valentino  get yall assess in my room now yelled dad.

So we all went the way dad's room was so Valentino went in then VJ then Trina and me we were beyond scared wondering why he called us in his room.

So yall think I wouldn't fucking know that every single one of you sneaked out the house huh VJ after I told you no you still sneaked out with Valentino and Vanessa ,Trina you think I didn't hear you two and saw yall sneaked out huh said dad. how would you know that Trina and I sneaked out if you were in bed sleeping I asked cause he was sleeping when my sister and I sneaked out.

I got cameras all around Vanessa so I saw yall sneak out I saw your brothers too so yall are grounded and I am gonna whoop yall assesses.

But daddy we came back home when we saw VJ and Valentino said Trina.

I don't give a damn if yall fucking came back Katrina and Vanessa go to yall rooms I will be there to punish you two as for VJ bring ya ass here pull down ya pants and boxers .

Before we went to our rooms we watched dad beat VJ ass dad was tearing his ass up and VJ was screaming and crying like hell I know it hurt ,

Then he whooped Valentino then Trina and I went to my room and waited for dad to come we both bust out crying together.

What the fuck yall crying for yall wasn't fucking crying when yall decided to sneak out Vanessa get ya ass in the shower but first take off ya pants he said .

So I went took off my pants and got in the shower the minute I got out the shower dad grabbed me and started whooping me it hurt really bad and I know my ass would be sore in the morning .

Katrina get ya ass in the shower but take ya pats off also he said to Trina I just laid on my bed crying my eyes out .

So Katrina came out and he whooped her also she ran to her room and I could've heard her crying also .

I een never sneaking out in my life again never again no way cause dad he don't play and I know he beats our ass because he loves us but wants us to be better in life.


They sneaked out but didn't get caught but they never knew that there were cameras all over the house.

How you feel bout them being caught ?

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