Chapter 17

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We are chilling in the beautiful Hawaii and having a wonderful time and the twins love it here they been having a good time with dad when he took them to the pool they were splashing up in the water so while he was with the babies I went to the room Katrina and I share .

" Hey Katrina I have a idea lets get dad black card and go to a buffet he wont know and we will be back in time " I said to her coming up with a plan to sneak out the house.

" Ok sis but we don't need to get in trouble because I believe dad brought his leather belt with him on this trip" said Katrina .

I thought about a plan so we will go in dad's room which is the master bedroom sneak his black card then go in our room and get dress and sneak out when everyone is asleep.

" Katrina I will sneak in dad's room and get his black card you distract him downstairs and then once I'm done I will message you and tell you I'm done and you can come to our room "I said to her .

She went to distract dad  and Nurse Raven was downstairs with him and the babies so I went in their room went in dad's wallet and got his black card .

Nessa: I got it so come 

I shoot her a text saying I got I ran out of dad's room and went into the room we share and placed dad's card in my purse .

I went downstairs where Katrina was and sat down like I just didn't  take dad's card from his wallet and jumped in his lap .

"Vanessa your ass to big to be jumping in my lap you are fifteen about to be sixteen you don't think you a little to big to be sitting in my lap" said dad what is that suppose to mean .

"Aren't I your baby girl daddy why cant I sit in your lap huh " I said doing a pouty face  just for that I'm sneaking out and I don't care if he punishes me badly .

"Yes you are but you to big to be doing that what you did " he said 

" Ok daddy I get your point so what if I'm about to be sixteen I'm your daughter we haven't spent time together since a few months ago " I said getting angry and storming upstairs to the room my sister and I share .


Valentina (Katrina)

"Wow dad you made her really angry " I said as I saw my twin sister go upstairs foaming with anger because he told her she to big to be sitting in his lap.

"Valentina yall know I love you two yall my babies but yall are growing up " said dad  whatever but like my sister said he don't spend time with us as much .

" Ok daddy but Nessa is right we don't spend time with you " I said agreeing with my sister  because dad don't spend time with us he always at the trap or anyone of his business.

" Why all of a sudden you and your sister are getting mad at me huh what I do to you two " said dad .

" Well if you would be there for us and not at the freaking trap house you would know dad" Ii yelled at him running upstairs to our room as well.



" I heard you defending me thanks sis what would I do without you sis your my best friend and my sister " I said hugging her .

" Gurl yes I had to defend us out there cause dad is always at he trap house and we would only see him in the morning when he is making breakfast and taking us to school or if we get in trouble" said Valentina .

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