Part 3

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The next two days were similar to any day I had. My parents bossed me around the house with more work than I could actually do in those two days, they yelled at me at any mistake I did or just for their satisfaction.

On Thursday evening I was sitting on my purple bed. Before me stood now open wardrobe and my eyes were stuck on a black sport bag. It was a medium in size but could still hold enough clothes for a week with other toiletries.

My mind was in a war between two sides: sneak out of the house and go on the trip or stay at home and be a good girl. If I went on this trip, I would be able to forget my parents for two weeks and have fun, but that would result in horrible punishment when I would get back. If I stayed home, I would be on somewhat good terms with my parents and avoid punishment, but I would sit in the house, work to bone and imagine how cool it would have been to be with my friends.

A bell sound from my phone woke me from my thoughts. I opened crew chat and saw a message from Jack.

'Have you packed your things, guys?'

Soon enough everybody said yes while my fingers hovered above the letters and stood frozen. Should I write yes or no?

I let out a frustrated groan and fell back onto my bed. In a minute I was in my cocoon and stared back at my phone's screen.

'Lynae?' Jack reached for me. I didn't know what to write so I simply threw a question mark.

'Lynae, stop pretending and go pack your things if you want to have some clothes because I won't give you mine' Anna instantly attacked me and I sent an emoji who was rolling its eyes.

'Lynae, we know that you know that you will regret not going' Allan sided with them and I let out a sigh. He was right, I would get jealous and regret my choice. Before I could stop myself with a sensible talk about the wrongs of not listening to your parents, I replied.

'All packed up'

I didn't watch what they were saying because I threw my phone away and walked to the wardrobe. Pulling out the bag I began putting clothes that seemed appropriate for the trip to mountains. I threw some summer clothes in case we went down the Alps into town for whatever we would need. After packing toiletries and gadgets, I made sure that my bedroom's door was locked and unlocked the window. Hiding the bag under the table I looked at the phone. It showed 11:46 p.m.

Ignoring the bad feeling in my chest about going against my parents I turned alarm clock to 4:30 a.m. and laid down in bed. Before I could chicken out, I forced myself to focus on sleep and fell asleep quite quickly.

Annoying alarm clock sound woke me up and I truned it off in super speed. Laying frozen in my bed I listened for any disturbance from under me where my parent's room was. Silence stood for about five minutes and I sighed in relief - they weren't awoken by my phone.

I slowly climbed out of the bed and put my clothes on. My door was checked for at least 10 times to make sure that they were locked and after I was satisfied, I went online in our chat group. Everybody were already on and chating on how excited they were. My clock showed 4:52.

'Laynea, we are by your house, are you ready?' Allan asked and I sent yes.

After what felt like two hours of silence, I finally heard some movement from under my window and went to check it. Opening my window I saw that the sun was already on the horizon and it was quite light outside. Looking down I saw Anna and Allan standing there and I waved at them.

Without any words they rose ladder up to my window and secured it on the ground so that it won't move. I took my bad and threw it down to Allan, who easily caught it, and then climbed onto my table. Making sure not to cause any loud noise, I climbed through my window and began climbing down the ladder. Where they got such a long ladder was beyond me.

I was half way down and was climbing down by my parents window when a loud bang sounded from under me. My body froze in place, right in front of the window, and I looked down. My two friends stood motionless with horrified look. By Anna's feet was a shattered pot with dirt thrown across the small path that went around the house, and lawn.

I was about to begin climbing down again when the curtains in front of me flew open and my eyes met my mother's. I watched as her face went from surprised into furious.

'Lynae!!' She screamed so loudly that I could clearly hear her through plastic windows.

'Allan run and turn the car on!' I shouted and began climbing down as fast as I could. Allan listened to me while Anna tried to clean the mess before I reached the ground.

Once my feet touched the ground, Anna and me ran like soldiers around the house and towards the car. We were almost there when the front door opened and my furious mother with Drake ran out of the house.

'Lynae, come back right now!' He screamed, but his furious voice only made me run faster.

Anna and I quickly jumped into the car and Allan sped off with our doors still open.

'I'm sooooo sorry' Anna turned to me and apologized.

'No worries, that pot wasn't mine' I said and sat up. Looking back I saw a Nissan speeding after us.

'Allan, they are on our tail!' I shouted with sudden fear. What if they catches us? They will probably skin us alive.

'Shit' he cursed under his nose and hit the speed pedal.

'I'm calling Jack to prepare the helicopter' Anna mumbled and took her phones. Soon enough Jack's voice rang through the car.

'Hello? How was it?' Jack asked.

'We got Lynae out, but her parents are after us' Anna explained.

'What the fuck?! Jezus, they are crazy. Okay, tell Allan to speed his ass here and the helicopter will be waiting' he said and Allan sped up, if its even possible at this point.

I looked back and saw the lights of the car further than they were before, but it was still rolling after us.

'They won't give up. Allan, you have to loose them' I said and he just nod. He was so concentrated on driving that his knuckles were white. I guess it was his first time speeding so much.

Suddenly, he made a sharp turn. The car turned and I flew to the side, hitting the door. Tires screeched and we were in new block, but before I could fix my positions, Allan turned again and I flew across the car's back again, this time ending on my back, sprawled on the seats.

I saw Allan look through the mirror at me and chuckled.

'Having fun back there?' He asked and I smirked.

'Rollercoaster in here, man'

Anna looked back and rose her eyebrows.

'You should have put your seatbelt' she scolded me like a mother.

'I, litteraly, dived into a car. There was no time to secure myself' I rolled my eyes.

I decided to stay laying incase Allan made more turns. Soon the rich houses appeared before me and I knew that we were near Jack's home.

After a couple minutes, Allan made another sharp turn and we bolted through main gates, which were, thankfully, open, and stopped.

In turbo speed we all climbed out of the car and I looked back. The main gates were closed, but that didn't mean my parents couldn't pass them.

'Follow me, the helicopter is ready' Jack who was standing a few meters away from us, said and we all half ran half walked after him.

He lead us through a very fancy garden that had a gazebo in the middle. The air was sweet from flower scent and I heard bees working around us. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to look around and we passed the garden in a minute or so. Leaving the garden behind us, we walked into an open area covered in grass and with a green helicopter in front of us.

The captain saw us and opened the doors. We all climbed in and secured ourselves while the captain turned the helicopter on. It rumbled for a moment and then moved. I instantly grabbed my seat from fear and looked through the window.

We were flying up and leaving everything behind us, my parents included.

On the diving part I imagine Lynae diving into a car with her hands in front of her like swimmers do when they dive into water 😂

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