Part 35

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I began walking towards Selig's tent, but stopped not too far from the main entrance. My brains finally finished understanding what the man said. He asked me to meet his wife, a woman who was present in my attack. What if this was a trap? What if the women still planned on how to get rid of me silently?

On that thought I took a step back as my eyes were fixed on the ground before me. What am I supposed to do if I am right?

'Luna? Something is wrong?' Selig asked from my side and I frowned.

'I don't want to meet your wife' I bluntly said and looked at him. His face changed from worry to guilt. It seems he understood the situation.

'I... feel ashamed by their decision, but I can assure you that my mate will not hurt you. Quite opposite. She wants to apologise'

'How can you prove me that you aren't lying?'

The man looked at me, his grey eyes looking at me with sadness and guilt. For a moment it made me guilty that I was treating him so coldly, but I had to be careful. I didn't want to put Tlaloc through the same worry and make him go on a rampage.

'I can't unless you trust me and come inside' he spoke and I sighed. My eyes traveled to the stairs behind the man that lead up to Tlaloc's home. If I had to run, I might be able to reach it.

'Fine' I said and pushed the loose skin to the side. The interior was very similar to Tlaloc's home, but ten times smaller. At the far back laid a bunch of furs for sleeping with two crates at each side. In the middle of the tent, right before me, was a small fire crackling and devouring wood with pots around it. To my right were neatly stacked crates with food in them and to my left a pile of firewood. The leathered skin of the tent was dark and made a great job at blocking the sun. There were no skulls or bones on the sides of the tent like at the herbalist's place and the atmosphere was very cozy. I saw a figure crouching by the right crate of the bed and I felt myself tense.

'Orna, we have guests' Selig spoke from behind and the woman shot up.

'Selig, how many times I told you to inform me when you bring....' the woman named Orna spoke walking to us, but her voice died out when our eyes met. The cozy feeling of the tent evaporated and a thick tense air filled the area.

'Luna' she barely spoke and looked away. She had her arms snaked around her torso and her lower lip was in teeth grip. The woman overall was very buffed, clearly enjoying heavy jobs. She had a fire red hair that was braided back and green eyes that avoided me.

'So, how about that tea, Luna?' Selig asked me, trying to lighten the air, but I could see that he was feeling awkward as well.

'Sure. I already promised you in exchange for information on Anna' I  forced a smile and Selig sat me down by the fire with him next to him. Orna began quietly making the tea and I decided to focus on Selig.

'So, about Anna?' I pushed the subject and he smirked at me.

'That woman is giving Rashine real trouble. I think his heart was broken more than 20 times' Selig chuckled and took the tea from his wife. Orna soon came to me and I took the cup without looking at her.

'Why?' I asked curious. It was just like Anna to make elephant out of the ant even though our circumstances aren't small.

'Rashine is one of the kindest people there is and Anna is constantly speaking with him harshly, screaming and throwing things at him' Orna decided to speak. I looked at her as I took information and a heavy sigh escaped my lips.

'That's is so like her' I pinched my nose bridge, 'that is another reason why I need to talk to her. She won't calm down before she knows the truth' I spoke and got two sets of curious eyes my way.

'Truth?' Selig asked and I frowned.

'Behind Jack's killing. The guy that I was forced to cut open' I explained and they both did a silent "ohh".

'Where can I find her?' I asked and took a couscous sip. Rich blueberry taste graced my tongue and I had to admit that the tea was delicious.

'The best bet is to visit the man himself, but I also heard that she likes to walk by the river' Selig explained and shut up as the heavy air came back. He was talking about that river. Silence rolled over us for a moment.

'I wanted to apologise for the attack. At the time I wasn't sure about the whole thing, so I didn't shout with other women or agreed with the beating' Orna finally spoke the apology that Selig wanted me to hear. I looked at the woman with a hardened face as she fiddled with the cup.

'But you did nothing to stop or help me either. Not to a Luna, but to a person'

'I'm sorry' she whimpered and I watched as tears began falling down, some getting into a cup. It was weird to see such physically strong woman to be so sensitive.

'Your apologies wouldn't have brought me back from the dead' I continued coldly. The woman sobbed quietly for a moment and I couldn't take the guilt of attacking her anymore. Right now I was no better than women that night.

'But then again, the old man would have killed you all before you could kill me' I spoke and sipped the tea. Selig and Orna looked at me with their eyes wide and after a second of silence, Selig's laugh rang throughout the tent.

'Luna, nobody has ever called Alpha old' he laughed and even Orna smiled a bit.

'But I'm right! He is 42 winters old. 42! He could easily be my father' I shouted and then began sulking.

'But you love him' Orna deadpaned, brushing the tears away and taking me by surprise that resulted me choking on the tea and Selig hitting my back.

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