Part 66

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What the hell do they mean resurrection?! My energy pool filled in and I jumped away from Laird's warm chest and looked at him. He was looking at the Herbalist who was still frowning.

'As far as my knowledge goes, the only way to "resurrect" someone is by trapping a soul and forcing it into the body. But that makes them a doll of the shaman or witch, not a healthy person like Luna. They do not have any memories, they can't talk or think. They are just.... an empty shell without a pearl inside. And no, I did not practice the black magic. Not to the extent to manage a resurrection ritual at least' she began explaining, both of them ignoring my shocked being.

'Then why is she alive and well, with a beast, but no wolf spirit?' Laird snarled, clearly frustrated by this situation.

The beast? Wait, I was like Laird?! My body began trembling as fear gripped me. What was going on?! And was I killed?! Laird's grip on my shoulder tighten and I breathed in deeply. Whatever was going on, I had to be calm and level headed. Since I, apparently, had lost my memories, I decided to stay quiet and listen to them.

The Herbalist sighed, her frown never faltering.

'I can only speculate. My best theory would be that the God Of Death killed her to alter her body. Since Luna was born human, it is impossible to split her human soul for her to have a wolf side after her birth. But if her soul was pulled out of her body, then our Gods could alter the shell of hers into whatever they want. And the only way to pull someone's souls out of their body is-'

'Death' Laird finished for her and growled.

'Correct. Luna wouldn't have performed well as the mother of the pack in her human form. And since it took you so long to choose Luna, perhaps The God of Death himself was afraid of her death. Knowing you, after her death, you wouldn't choose another Luna. So the God Of Death gave her the gift of the beast, unique for her, in order for her be stronger and harder to die. Without you outliving her and actually continuing your bloodline. That is the only theory I have' The Herbalist finished and silence stood between us once again. My brain ached from the information and confusion. I wasn't into Herbalist's theory with all of their God business. I wasn't religious and definitely didn't believe in magic. The time when she gave me "the Gift of Tongues" still confused me, but I blamed it to stress. I don't know what happened to me as well. Was I really killed or are they smoked some Deathly Lullaby? My mind was too tired to begin theorizing on its own, so I decided to postpone the thinking.

'I don't like any of it, but I'll go on your words' Laird spoke and lifted me up bridal style.

'We will be able to put everything behind us soon' The Herbalist saw us off with her words and Laird left with me in his arms.

With wide strides, Laird carried me back to our home cave in a minute. He instantly brought me to our bed and I happily relaxed into soft furs. Laird laid down next to me and quickly pulled me into a heated kiss. I moaned into the kiss and closed my eyes, enjoying his touch. Why was I feeling like I hadn't touched him for years? Must be my hormones, my ovulation was coming close. Sadly, the kiss was short and Laird pulled away quickly enough.

'We will have all the time in the world for our fun, but now you need to sleep' he spoke quietly and I nod.

'What happened? What is this resurrection business?' I spoke, my voice weak as my eyes already felt heavy.

'You heard the Witch, you died and were brought back' he answered and I frowned.

'I don't believe in Gods and resurrection though' my voice barely a murmur, my body on the edge of sleep. I did catch Laird's chuckle.

'That's for the best' he replied, but I staid quiet, already asleep.

I woke up feeling amazing. My body was full with energy, rested and the pain was gone. Lazily, I rolled in my bed. Laird's voice reached my ears and with my closed eyes, I listened to his conversation.

'Where?' His voice was deadly calm, but a slight undertone told me that he was angry.

'On the cliff in Wind tribe's territory' Ogden answered and I opened my eyes. I was intrigued.

'Have you-'

'Yes, I sent a scout. He talked to their leader and explained our situation. They weren't very pleased with a killer on their land, but allowed us to gather our men there. But only in that spot' Ogden cut Laird short and after listening to the information, hummed.

'Gather able men and women who are left here, we are cornering them there. Order the scouts who are there to keep him around that spot' Laird spoke and his footsteps grew louder. I sat up in the bed and watched as Laird entered the cave. His eyes instantly locked with mine and he walked to me.

'How are you feeling?' He asked and I grinned.

'Great!' I beamed and a small smirk reached Laird's lips.

'Good' he spoke and walked to his weapon table, clearly thinking.

'What were you two talking about earlier?' I asked as I stood up from furs. Laird glanced at me for a second.

'We hunted Rashine and Anna down to the cliffs of Wind tribe. I will be leaving to execute them soon' he spoke and I felt dread in my stomach. So Anna was on the killings. I didn't want to believe it, but I knew it was the truth.

'I'm coming with you' I spoke resolutely. I knew there was nothing I could do to save her, but at least I would have our last talk. I wanted to hear everything from her mouth.

'No' Laird instantly denied, but this time I was having none of it.

'Laird, I need to-'

'I said no. Not after everything that happened' he growled and looked me in the eyes. I walked to him and gripped his bicep.

'You are about to kill my best friend. The least you can do is let me say goodbye' I said and just saying those words brought tears to my eyes.

'I know you won't spare her no matter what I say, but at least let me hear everything from her' I whispered.

Silence stood between us for a moment and then Laird sighed.

'Fine, but you are staying near me' he spoke and I smiled. That I could do.

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