Part 22

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The moment my eyes opened and all sleep went away, I was greeted by darkness - indication of the night. My body instantly sensed that Tlaloc's arms were nowhere to be found on my body and that surprised me. Moving around I winced when sharp pain went through my left shoulder. My hand automatically reached the wound and I felt crust of some sorts covering the wound. I knew what it was, that I had to clean it and most important - disinfect it. Knowing basic biology, the mouth is one of the parts of the body with most germs in it and I knew the risk of infection was high.

My eyes traveled on the man next to me, covered in shadows. Tlaloc was laying on his back, sprawled like a starfish with one of his hands covering his eyes. He was sound asleep and I was happy with a few minutes to myself. Maybe even a few hours considering the time of the night. 

I slowly sat up in the bed, making sure not to awake Tlaloc. He always laid by the edge and I am starting to think that he is doing that on purpose. It was like caging a small animal between the volcanic wall and his body. That still didn't stop me from thinking about leaving this place, but after his "punishment" I was scared to leave this cave yet I wanted to be as far away from him as possible. It was understandable.

Like a ninja I began climbing over him, praying for him not to wake up in the process. Once I was face to face with him, with me hovering over him like a creep, Tlaloc moved his arm away from his face and let out a sigh. That made me freeze with my wide eyes on him. He didn't wake up, but opened the view of his face for me and I couldn't stop myself from being even bigger creep and checking him out. He looked peaceful in his sleep, no trace of his coldness or ruthness. He looked like a completely different person and I had to admit that he was handsome. At least in my "close ranged male checking" list. It was super short.

Feeling safe to move, I finished my climb and had a small victory dance in my head. Without waiting for Tlaloc waking up and doing something weird and painful again, I power walked to the spring cave. Once there, I stumbled in darkness to the table and began sniffing the bowls like a dog. When I was young, I remember playing outside when I saw a glass shard. At that time I didn't know what it was and being a child, it was hard to resist the tempatation caused by curiousity so I picked the shard and cut myself badly. Running back home while screaming like a banshee, I almost gave my mother a heart attack, but she fixed the wound really quickly by applying something green. The only thing I can remember is the super strong aroma of the medicine. Now that I grew up, I figured it was a plant of some sorce and hoped that Tlaloc had some in here. I could just go outside with a torch, but leaving this cave without Tlaloc knowing screamed like trouble and I didn't want him inflicting anymore pain. 

I sniffed and sniffed bowl after bowl until a strong aroma hit my nose. My brain informed me that it was exactly the same scent as the medicine. I guess that memory was really strong for me to remember how my childhood medicine smelled. 

Taking the bowl and clean cleaning sheet I walked to the water and began gently washing my wound. It wasn't exactly on my shoulders because there was no muscles to bite into and the same went for the neck. Tlaloc bit me in between, in the softiest spot where there were muscles  going around my neck. Why did he bite me anyway? I understood that his unusual teeth form gave him an ability to bite into flesh and it looked like he had strong jaws, but like what? His actions made me super confused.

I tried finding answer while I was cleaning my wound, but only weird theories came to my mind like aliens. The most logic one was Tlaloc's environment and I stuck with that.

After I felt like my wound was clean enough, I picked the bowl and dipped my finger into it. Oil   touched my fingers and I began applying it on the wound. With this mixture seeping into my muscles while aroma filled my nose, I began relaxing a bit and sighed when the stinging pain dulled. When I was satisfied with the amount of oil put onto my wound, I simply folded the small cloth and pressed it on the wound. I had no way of comfortably securing it so I just left it there, carefully walking back into the main cave in order not to make the cloth fall.

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