Part 47

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<>*Sexual, but not the scene you all are waiting*<>

My brain worked on questions to ask Laird as fire flies buzzed lazily around us, probably talking in british accent about how awesome their butts are.

'So, how is this entire double beings in two bodies work?' I finally asked after a long silence.

'It depends in which form we are born. If the offspring is born in human form then they hear their beast once they hit growth spur and can take control over the shifts. Up until that time, if the young beast wants some attention then he will simply block the human and force a shift. If the pup is born then, most of the time, human will take control over the shifts when they are around 16 or 18 winters because, again, they are weak. After that is all about teamwork and acceptance of each other'

'Is that what you are doing right now?'

'Yes. Tlaloc is strong, managing to keep me inside for quite some time, apart when the tribe needed to be reminded who is in charge, but he couldn't keep me indefinitely. Now, as a punishment for annoying me, he will be suppressed for a very long time as well' Laird explained and smirked, his face clearly showing the dark and evil enjoyment from his companion's situation. It unsettled me a bit, so I decided to go back to baby talk.

'S-so, if I wanted to have kids with you, then I would have 50% to shoot out a human baby and 50% to shoot out wolf pups?' I changed the subject.

'40% chances for human and 60% for my kind's offspring. If? It's the matter of when, rabbit' Laird smirked confidently at me and I could feel my cheeks warming up.

'I-if we take in consideration that human baby is three times bigger than a pup and I still have 40% to birth it, then we can conclude that we are not having kids, because I'm not going through that painful crap' I rambled, trying to cool my face down, but it wasn't really working.

Laird chuckled and leaned forward so that our faces were centimeters apart. He locked my red face by my chin and tilted his head, amused smirk on his face.

'So, no fun at night for the rest of our lives?' He asked in quiet voice only making my face redder. How do you respond to that? It's not like I thought about having "fun" with them at night, but the idea of getting closer with each other didn't repulse me either.

Laird's chuckle brought me back from my thoughts as he gave me a quick peck on the lips and leaned back on the tree.

'Don't worry, I will comfort you during the labor' he assured me, but I frowned.

'You do understand that after I get back on my feet after the labor, I'm not only dumping all baby care to you, but also cutting your balls off' I said seriously, trying to intimidate Laird at least a little bit, but only amused him even more.

'Just leave my weapon intact, I will still have cravings for your body' he replied and smirked when my face went ablaze again with my eyes wide open.

'I can't believe we are having this conversation' I mumbled and looked away from him, my attention focusing on fire flies as even more of them flew out of the grass. Seriously, what takes that unicorn so long to show up?

Suddenly, my chin was abruptly turned back to face Laird as he looked at me with a slight frown. His sudden move startled me and I looked at him confused.

'I want your eyes on me, rabbit haunch'
He said, his voice having a slight darker edge to it that caused small shiver go down my spine.

'But staring is impolite. I don't want to push myself into your comfort zone' I said the first excuse my mind could create, not ready to hear more of sexual remarks from him and my eyes wanting to see those bugs with their asses on fire. Laird chuckled, his lips tilting ever so slightly into a smirk.

'You already are in my comfort zone, rabbit' My eyes widened a little bit at the sentence and I looked down.

'Oh, s-sorry' I quickly pushed myself away from him, but his growl made me freeze. His already dark navy blue eyes turned a shade even darker as his grip on my hips tightened.

'Stop moving those hips of yours or the bugs won't be the only thing that will amaze you' he growled and I blinked at him. My mind was in no rush to explain me his dirty joke and my face slowly heated up once again. Laird's lips twitched into a visible smirk as his grip moved me back closer to him. A small bump brushed my hooded lady, causing me to gasp and look at Laird with wide eyes. He couldn't be.....

A rumble from his chest said otherwise.

'You-you perverted horny dog!' I shouted, embarrassment going through the roof as I tried to hit his head out of reflexes, but he caught it mid swing. In one swift motion I was pushed on the ground with Laird pinning me above me.

'What can I say, having such beautiful woman as mine and in front of me, does make me want to be more.... touchy' he whispered the last part by my ear in seductive voice.

'H-have some self c-control' I stuttered out, not used to such bold moves from a man. He only chuckled and locked our hips together, pressing his clothed "weapon" to my bundle of nerves that caused me to bit my lower lip to contain a certain sound and squirm as already familiar sensation sparked upon touch. The small movement of my squirming body only prolonged the friction between our body parts and increased the sparks.

I heard Laird growl in my ear as his hot breath fanned the side of my face.

'Let me make one thing clear, rabbit haunch. I'm not a gentle and considerate man like Tlaloc. I'm a beast that lives on instincts and if you fuel it to mate with you, I won't stop my advances' he growled out and roughly pushed himself against me, causing our private parts to grind against each other. The movement easily broke my teeth grip and I moaned, my legs lifting themselves to the sides of his hips and squeezing them in a tight hold by the same instincts that Laird was talking about.

He lifted his head away from my ear and looked at me, a smirk evident on his face. He was dominating in any situation, even this one and I secretly continued to enjoy that part of the situation.

'I wonder for how long will you be able to resist me' he spoke as he slowly traced his finger down my neck and chest, sending visible shivers down my spine that only made him smirk even wider.

'F-for a long time' I breathed out, still flustered. He hummed.

'Maybe that's for the better since you aren't quite.... ready.... to survive a night with me' he smirked as my eyes grew wider and wider.

'I-I am not sleeping with you in your beast form!' I shouted, more embarrassed about the fact that my mind was trying to show me the picture of that than the remark itself.

'Keep telling that to yourself' he chuckled and I looked at him. His navy blue eyes looked back at me with a twinkle of amusement and I felt my mouth move on its own.

'I want to see you'


*Throws another chapter in your face* No more updates this month, seriously.

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