Part 17

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I woke up after quite a good night of sleep considering my situation and what I have went through so far. It took me a moment for my senses to gather themselves and inform me that Tlaloc was once again spooning with me. This time I wasn't scared of him doing something since he had more than one occasion to do it. Yet a small voice of common senses spoke to me to not trust this man at any cost. At least not now. But will I be able to trust him? Just a little? He did force me to kill Jack and it was most likely that he was behind Kayle's death as well. And to finish it off, no one will search for us in here, so maybe it was best to accept the fact that I will be forever stuck in here? Maybe that's why Allan joined them? Maybe he understood our situation and seeing himself in Kayle's place, he simply did what was best for him?

I sighed as my thoughts only spiralled more and more. I wanted the answers, but will they help me in my situation?

My teeth gritted themselves as even simple thought turned into a question. I should have talked my parents into sending me to philosophy studies instead of law. I forced myself to think of nothing and just stared at the cave I was in. It was barely lit by sun, indicating that it was really early in the morning. Tlaloc had me pulled to him so that my back was against his very exposed chest while his arm was around my torso. His arm was probably heavier than me, it was that muscular. I could feel his small breaths fanning my hair. Our position reminded me of my cocoon and I blinked in surprise. Was I really that comfortable around him already?

Why did he brought me in here in general? He was acting like I was his wife or girlfriend which I was happy to know that I wasn't. I don't think I could like him in that way. I mean, our age differentce is huge, he could be my father easily. Maybe even grandfather for all I know. He could be eighty something, but since everything in here was chemical free, not including rain that most likely had some weird stuff in it brought from our land, and he was obviously active man, he could have aged very well. Oh my Lord, what if he is super old and has a thing for young girls?

The thought itself made my hair stand up and kick all sleep out of my body and mind. At the same time, it awoke my bladder and I would have cried from relief for a reason to get away from Tlaloc if there wasn't for the fact that he had his arm like chains around me. My thoughts instantly went to harmless ways to get out of his grasp like waking him up and telling him that I needed to pee, but my brains instantly countered that with the fact that he spoke different language. Then the thought of kicking him in the balls came to my mind, but I shooed it away. I wasn't a violent person and definitely won't become one just because I had a stranger next to me and was far away from home. So I was left with last option: to somehow slither away from him. Not that it was easy or something.

I grabbed his hand and tried to slowly get it off of me while moving away from him, but the moment I moved, he literally growled and pulled me back to him. He growled like an animal.

Must be something with his throat.

I tried to move his hand again, but he only held me even more closely. It didn't help that his arm was huge and the pressure from it was reaching my lower stomach where my bladder was screaming to be relieved.

'Tlaloc' I whined and tried yet again to move away, but he grumbled and didn't let me go.

'Tlaloc!' I shouted at the top of my lungs and felt him jump awake. His arm released me for a moment and used this to roll away from him and then sprint through the cave. It felt like my feet didn't even touch the ground as I flew towards the bathroom.

After I relieved myself with a very happy sigh, I came back to the main cave. My eyes instantly went to half sleeping Tlaloc that sat on the bed with an expression that clearly meant he was not amused. He yawned and my eyes went wide when I saw his canine teeth. They were pointy and longer than other ones. It didn't look like a vampire's teeth, but more like beast's. His growl resonated in my head and I frowned. His teeth must be like that because of sturdy and thick meat he eats. That venison in the stew was definitely a challenge for my teeth and jaws.

I slowly walked to him and sat down. He instantly looked at me with sleepy, but angry face and I squirmed under his gaze.

'Sorry' I sheepishly murmured and he grunted, as if he understood me.

I watched him drop back on the furs. Personally, sleep wasn't coming for me, so I mused about things I could do while Tlaloc slept when I felt his arms around my hips. I let out a startled yelp when he pulled me down next to him and turned me so I faced him. He pulled me close to him and buried his face into my neck's crook. This time he had his both arms around me, so I was practically squeezed to him.

For some reason I felt my cheeks go warm. I have never been so close to a man before and all of this experience was a bit embarrassing. His bare skin did not help either. If my mother saw me now... She would make the volcano explode with her fury. The thought made a ghost smile appear on my face. It has been only a couple days since we got stuck here, but it felt as if I have been living on this island for months.

I looked down at Tlaloc who was already deep in his sleep. He looked so peaceful and adorable. I slowly rose my hand and brushed his hair. They were rough, but really thick and healthy. For some reason they didn't feel like hair at all. It was more like... animal fur? I blinked in surprise. First he growls like an animal, then I see his teeth that are pointy and now his hair feels like animal fur?

I was trippin'. This place was making me compare thing without thinking about surroundings. This man grew up in the wilderness, of course he will have different features than me.

I laid there for hours as I watched sun illuminating the cave more and more. My body managed to snooze a few times as well, but most of the time I would just watch the cave and count how many things this man had in here.

Suddenly, I saw a shadow appear by the entrance and a woman around Tlaloc's age came into the cave. She had a basket in her hands, but I wasn't able to see what was inside. Our eyes met and "I see what you are doing' smirk appeared on her face. My eyes went wide as she placed the basket by the entrance and giggled at me. I could feel my cheeks getting really hot and I looked away from her. Her giggles became distant, indicating that she left, but I wasn't happy about that.

Gossiping is definitely will take place.

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