Part 7

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Everybody stood in silent. A mild breeze made the forest move with soft rustling sound. The sound was really calm, but it did not relax me one bit. I don't think anything could relax me right now.

'I think Lynae is right' Allan broke the silence and everybody shifted their attention to him. He still held me in his arms and his warmth was spreading through me, yet my muscles were stiff.

'The island is huge and just by looking at the scene we can write off the animal attack.'

'And why can we?' Anna asked with last sobs leaving her shaking body.

'His eyes were gauged out and placed in his palms together with his heart stuffed in his mouth. No animal would or could do such a thing'

Just hearing that made my mind show me Kayle's body and I shivered. Allan hugged me more tightly, but the sick feeling was still settled in my stomach.

'Who could do such a thing?' Anna hiccuped.

'Someone who is not happy with us being here' Jack finally spoke. He, like the rest of us, looked paled, but I had a feeling Kayle's death struck him the hardest. Kayle must have been personal pilot for his family and I knew for a fact that Jack's family traveled a lot. The odds for Jack knowing Kayle his entire life were high.

'But if they didn't want us here then they would have let us fix the helicopter and go on with our trip' I said.

'You think they want us here?' Jack asked me, but I simply shrugged my shoulders.

'Anything could happen' I simply said.

Silence stood between us once again, everybody in their own thoughts.

'We should give him a proper burial' Allan broke the silence again.

'I don't think he would want to be buried in fucked up place like this' Jack growled out and ran his hand through his blonde hair.

'Should we just.... gather him up and leave inside the helicopter?' I suggested and Jack nod.

'He loved that thing, it was custom made just for him, so it would be best and no animal could maul on him. Allan, help me clean the scene while you, girls, take everything that could help us in here out' Jack ordered and everybody moved stiffly from their spots.

I helped Anna stand up and we slowly walked to the side of the helicopter. Opening the door we climbed inside and I couldn't stop myself from looking through front window.

'Good thing nothing is visible' Anna whispered and I looked at her. She was still shaking a little bit, but had taken control over her.

'Yeah, that was brutal'

'I can't believe someone could do that' she said and looked away. 'I'll take our bags out and you search the helicopter, okay?' She asked and without waiting for my response, disappeared behind our seats.

I sighed and looked around. The first thing I saw was a medicine box attached to the wall behind Kayle's seat.

Too bad it can't help him, I thought and opened the box. It had basic stuff: alcohol for cleaning, a bottle of pain killers, bandaids, cotton wool and dressing bandages. I couldn't take the whole box off so I turned to where Anna disappeared.

'Anna, do you have some kind of box for medical supplies in there?' I asked and a few seconds later her head popped out.

'What size?'

'Medium?' I asked her back, unsure if the box before me was small or medium.

She disappeared and after a minute brought a box for sandwiches.

'Is this okay?' She asked and I took the box. I putt both bottles and saw that there was enough space for the rest of stuff.

'Yeah, thanks'

After putting everything in the box, I continued with my search. After 10 or so minutes I was able to find couple of jackets and a stash of newspaper. But what caught my interest was the date on them.

I ruffled through them and stopped at the last one. The paper was splashed with old coffee or tea and was two years old, but I recognized the news on the front page. In capital letters were printed "MALICA REDWOOD'S MURDERER IS ON THE LOOSE "

I picked the newspapers and placed them by the helicopter. Anna and guys were still working so I began reading the Malica's news. It began with basic background as where and when she was found. In Dauphine Orleans Hotel by Allan Selvir.

That trip was really interesting. My class was allowed to wander through New Orleans, learn its history and have fun, but everything was cut short by murder of Malica. Allan found her corpse in her hotel room. According to autopsy, she was drugged, raped and then killed. When police questioned him, he told them that he noticed her door ajar so went to check if everything was alright and found her on the bed. Of course, like any police investigation, Allan became prime suspect, but no fingerprints of his or actual murder was found and during estimated time when the murder was done, Allan was with me in the restaurant, eating his lunch. That was his alibi.

'What are you reading?' Allan's voice rang from behind me and I let out a girly scream while jumping high in the air.

'Allan! You scared the bejeezus out of me!' I shouted turning around and found a grin on his face.

'Sorry, but I couldn't stop myself. So, what are you reading?' He asked and I closed the newspaper.

'Do you remember Malica Redwood?' I asked and saw his grin vanish. I also noticed his body go stiff and he looked away from me.

'Yeah. Poor girl' he said and I gave him the newspaper.

'Found this in the pile of newspaper'

He looked through the text and shook his head while giving me the paper back.

'Everything went around so many people and nobody heard a thing'

'She was drugged. I hope she was out cold while everything was happening, you know, less pain' I said and placed the paper on top of the pile

'Yeah' was all he said.

We heard a shuffling from behind me and moments later Anna dropped my bag.

'Last of them' she said and saw us. 'Why so grim? Wait, don't tell me, I already know.' She mumbled and stretched her arms.

'I found newspaper about Malica Redwood' I told her nonetheless and saw her frown.

'Fucked up story in our fucked up situation.' She said and Jack joined us.

'Everything is done. Is everything out of the helicopter?' He asked us and Anna nod. Jack turned to Allan. 'Let's finish this'

They both disappeared behind the helicopter and soon came carrying Kayle. Or what was left of him.

Anna and I instantly turned away and I saw her beginning to shake. After a couple of minutes of cursing, grunting and shuffling we heard a soft thud indicating that the door is closed and Kayle is "put to rest".

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