Part 24

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Tlaloc's pov.

I watched as my pack gathered before me, clearly afraid of what to come. Laird didn't even try to hide our emotions as he had my mouth stretched viciously, showing canine teeth to everybody.

As the last person scrambled to join the mass, they all held their heads low, scents of confusion and fear in the air.

'I expected better from all of you' Laird began speaking, our voice mixed with fury and ice cold. People before me stiffened and stayed quiet.

'Cane, bring all women before me' Laird spoke to Ogden's wolf and the brute had all women on their knees before me in a second.

'Are you happy?' Laird asked them, but none replied. It made us both furious even more.

'Are you content with your actions?!' We screamed and all of them flinched and whimpered, yet we didn't care.

'I never asked you to like her. I never ordered you to call her Luna, because that title will be earned by Lynea herself. But I never expected for you to try to kill my mate.... my mate!' We screamed at them ignoring their sobs.

'It's not you who chose her to be bonded with, it is not you who will have her as the mother of your child.' Laird moved to the woman conveniently right in the middle and grabbed her hair in a fist, forcefully pulling her head up, so that she looked straight into our eyes. A painful yelp escaped her lips as her teary eyes bore into mine.

'So why would you decide what is better for me?' We asked her in a low voice, but she was too terrified to answer. Not that it matter anyway.

'Who do you think you are to judge my decisions and know what or who is better for me?' We spat the words as our fist collided with her face.

A satisfying crunching noise resonated under my fist that was joined by a scream from the woman. We watched her fall down with her hands covering her nose, blood pouring between her fingers. We began slowly walking towards her, her turning to prey before our eyes, while women around me scurried away with their shaking bodies. Reaching the woman we grabbed her by the throat and lifted her without a sweat.

'I'll break every fiber in your body' we whispered to her, bringing her pale face before mine.

'I-I'm sor-' but before she could say her empty apologise, we slammed her down to the ground, knocking air out of her lungs as she bit her tongue.

'I'll break you so much that even our Gods won't want you with them' we continued and brought our feet with force down. It connected with her knee and the woman screamed once more, but this time her voice was strangled with tears. We watched her wiggle under our foot with her leg bent unnaturally and glaring bone drenched in blood shining through broken skin.

We placed one foot on her hand, growling in pleasure as crunching sound once again reached our ears. My hand took another fist full of her hair and with my foot still on her crushed hand, I brought her up. Her arm popped out of her shoulder socket and I brought her to my face again.

'Not even your mate will be able to save you' we said to her and kicked her down. Another sound of bones breaking met everybody followed by the woman's screams of pain. We watched her fall down, her arm that we held in place with our foot now broken in two, and taken by blood lust we were ready to end all of this, but warm thin arms, suddenly, snaked around us from behind. Our blood lust evaporated in a second as we both were frozen in place as our bodies filled with familiar warmth of our mate.

Lynea's POV.

I stayed put in the bed just as Tlaloc ordered me while waiting for him to return. My body itself folded onto warm and fuzzy pelts as I tried to rest, but sleep didn't come. My mind was filled with the man and it scared me. Was I beginning to get attached to the savage? He killed Jack before my eyes and hurt me with his bite twice, but for my mind it was like those things never happened and it happily filled itself with warm embraces with the man. Yes, he had a very secure and warm hugs, but it shouldn't be enough for me to feel safe around him. He is a wild man!

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