Stage 1: Part 20

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I have been hugging the toilet for at least an hour. Bile after bile rose from my stomach as I threw up, trying to get Jack out of my body, but it didn't work. I don't know what I was throwing up, but just the thought of the incident made me hug the toilet even more.

After another bile, I was left panting, my hands shaking and no energy left in me. I knew it wasn't hygienic to have your face so close to the place where someone was sitting butt naked, but I didn't care. I wanted Jack out.

Suddenly, I felt rough hands pull my hair back and out of my face. I knew it was Tlaloc since the Herbalist stayed at the tent, but my head stayed over the hole. After he carried me back to the cave, I ran to the toilet and stayed there, not even glancing his way. He held me in place while that woman shoved that disgusting tongue in my mouth. It was something that I should have expected, but it still hurt. It only proved that I couldn't trust anybody in here. Did I even think that it was possible to trust someone in here?

'Lynea, you need to rest' his low voice rang from behind me and I shivered, either from "cold" floor or his voice. Most likely from the floor. I ignored him and let out a shaky breath. What would Allan think if he heard what happened to me? Would he just shrug it off as if it was a normal thing? He was one of them after all.

A growl rang from Tlaloc's throat, low enough to take it as a threatening one, but I ignored it once again, until I felt his hands snake around my waist. Before I know, he pulled me from the ground, making my feet dangle in the air. I let him carry me back to the living cave and lay me down on his bed. The moment his hands were gone, I pulled the fur plate around me and rolling away from him, cocooned myself in softiness. I didn't want to face him, not even look at him.

I heard him sigh and walk away. Clanking of pots reached my ear, indicating that Tlaloc was making dinner. "Giving gift to me" and my vomiting took my entire day and I can't say I'm very pleased. Not only could I have come up with a plan to escape from this horrid place, but I could have already talked about it to Anna. Maybe be on the move for all I knew. There weren't many places where we could hide, but that gloomy and dark forest was more inviting.

I don't know how long I have been trying to fall asleep and just leave everything at least for a moment, but strong arms hugged me from behind and I felt Tlaloc spoon me once again. I didn't react to it since it was not the first time him doing that. 

'The Herbalist might have went to far, but now just stop thinking about today and that guy' his low voice spoke by my ear and I frowned.

'Y-you killed an i-innocent man' I stuttered back, my tongue feeling numb from new words that I have never spoken before.

'And what if he wasn't innocent?' Tlaloc asked me and the question threw me off.

' What do you mean?' 

My body was shifted so that I was facing him and our eyes met. His still looked as if energy was pulsing in them and pulled my attention. We laid facing each other for what felt like an hour, our faces only a couple spans away, before he spoke.

'One night his sexual needs goes animalistic and one dead girl later he has another victim  in his mind. Is that familiar?' He says and my body froze. Only one name rang through my head.

Malica Redwood.

'You are lying' I whispered, my eyes going wide.

'I would never lie to you' he replied and softly brushed my cheek with his rough from work hand, forcing me to notice shift in the air between us. In a way that screamed it was wrong that made me feel uncomfortable.

'He would never do that' I denied his statement with my whole being. Where did he get that thought anyway?

'Why do you think that? You two knew each other only for four years. His parents worked all the time and never spent time with him causing him to learn how to hide his feelings. He was popular and a large group of girls wanted to have at least one night with him, so that they could boast between each other. But with every girl spreading their legs wide open to him, he got bored and his eyes went to girls who were truly innocent and didn't want to have anything with him. The resistance from Malica girl only brought him the trill, a feeling of success from doing something forbidden and getting away'

I was speechless. Not only was it the first time Tlaloc spoke so much, but the facts like Malica's case and Jack's popularity were spot on. My brain was having hard time to proccess everything, so I was able to repeat myself.

'You are lying'

Something shifted in his face, maybe it was his eyes, but I wasn't able to decipher what it was. It was as if his face shifted, but stayed the same at the same time.

'As I said, I would and will never lie to you. If you don't believe me then ask Allan, he knows and has proof of the incident' 

Silence stood after his words for a moment before I knew my voice wouldn't voble and gathered enough courage to speak.

'I won't believe you. Whatever you tell me, I won't believe a word of it' I told him and tried to roll away from him, but I was stopped. 

Before I know, he grabbed my arms and rolled us, so that he was on top of me. His body structure and mass was so much bigger than mine that he blocked almost entire view before me while his hands that held my wrist by my head blocked any side view. I was only able to see him and my whole attention was on him. His sudden move and position made me feel small, like a cornered rabbit before the hungry wolf. His face was unsettlingly calm as he watched me from above.

'Do you really think you are any better than that mosquito, Lynea?' He asked calmly and I felt shivers running down my spine.


'You are not as innocent as you think you are, Lynea' he spoke and lowered himself so that my entire body was locked in place, his face right in front of mine. I was confused by his words completely. 

'That night when you sneaked out of your house to go to a birthday party despite your parents clearly not allowing you' He said and I felt my eyes go wide. How did he know that?!

'Or the fact that you are supposed to be at home right this moment' he continued and I was just speechless. Was it Allan who told everything about me to him?

'At least I do not kill innocent people!' I shouted right into his face, scared by the fact that he knew so much about me. Knew things that only I and my crew knew. 

Tlaloc only rose his brows and his lips streched into mocking smile.

'And you think the way your people deal with trouble makers is way better than ours?' He asked, clearly amused.

'Yes' I answered him confidently, but his dry chuckle made it clear that he thought differently.


Sorry for late update, but I started uni, had to move to another city for that and just get used to everything new around me. Hope you have some patience inside you.

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