Part 54

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Once I was out of Anna's ear and eye shots, I began running like my ass was on fire. Nothing made sense. Laird said the deadly pink flower was not allowed in his territory yet the flowers grew in the forests according to Anna? If it really grew there then anybody could have used it against each other in the tribe.

I finally reached the end of the forest and my eyes landed on the pedestal. On it was half finished bonfire that was massive. People around it, mainly men, were putting branches and trying to finish it quickly.

Once I ran out of the forest, people all turned to me as if I was a tank that just exploded before them. Ignoring their stares I ran to the first man.

'Where is Laird?' I asked seriously. The man's eyes went wide a bit upon hearing the beast's name, but then frowned.

'It's Alpha Laird' he growled and I frowned right back at him.

'Alpha, mate, doggy, sexy beast, call him whatever you want, I need to know where he is, now!' I shouted, getting impatient. Someone's time was ticking and this man was wasting it by correcting me. The latter upon hearing my nicknames paled and looked like he was about to faint.

'The sexy beast is behind you' Laird's gruff voice spoke from behind me and I jumped a bit, startled by him. I turned around and ignored people who were openly ogling at us by now.

'Great, follow your sexy ass after me, we need to speak' I quickly said walking pass him and grabbing his hand I began dragging him in order to speed him up. Once we reached the bed chamber I turned around and looked at him seriously.

'Either your observation skills are horrible or nothing makes sense' I spoke to him and ignored his raised eyebrows.

'You said that the Deathly Lullaby is deadly to your kind and is forbidden in your territory'


'Okay. I just ran into Anna who was weird as hell, but that's not important now. She was making a flower wreath and in there she had the Deathly Lullaby. So explain me this, why is it forbidden in your territory, but it also grows in the forests, according to Anna?'

I watched as Laird took all the information and had it processed in a second. His serious expression quickly turned into vicious snarl and eyes swirled into black pools. The sudden change startled me, putting me on alert.

'Lynea, those flowers only grow on the cliffs in Wind tribe'

My eyes went wide at this information, but they went even wider when I saw Laird turning around and leaving.

'Where are you going?' I asked, scared of what I was guessing. Unfortunately, I guessed right.

'To find your friend' he spat the word friend as if it was the flower itself stuck in his mouth. He disappeared from the entrance and I ran after him.

'Wait! You can't accuse her just because she had one tiny flower!' I screamed after him and snared myself around his arm. That didn't bother him at all because he continued walking and I was being dragged after him like a loose part of his fur kilt. Seeing that he wasn't listening to me, I used the stairs and jumped on Laird. My legs snared around his chest as my upped body swung itself over his head. I hugged his head the way so that my arms would completely hide his ears and eyes. With me attached to him like a monkey and obscuring his senses, Laird released a very angry growl and I felt his fingers dig into my clothes. Pulling hard, he tried to get me off of him, but I only hugged his head more tightly and refused to let go.

'Laird, please, listen to me!' I shouted, adrenalin coursing through me. Anna's life was on the line, but so were everyone's here. With the killer on the loose, any hint and detail is useful, but as a result, I had to deal with a very angry beast.

'Get off me' he growled. His voice was so guttural and animalistic that my body froze in fear that ran down my body. My body locked in my monkey position and the hold only tightened.

'L-Laird, please, calm down' I stuttered, now fearing for my own life, but refused to let him go.

He didn't.

Instead, he got even more angry with me hugging him for dear life. His hands came from upfront and gripped my shoulders into steel grip. One moment I was on him and the next I felt his body disappear from my grip and my body flying over his head and away from him. My eyes could widen only for a second and someone screamed in horror before my body collided with wood that was stacked on the stone pedestal. Hard wood pieces hit my back and punched all air out of my lungs. The force continued to move my body and it rolled down to the ground, my face meeting hard mud ground and half finished bonfire crashing down on me.

'Stop interfering' his chilling growl reached my ears. My body curled up as pain coarsed through my body. I tried to get up in order to follow Laird, but my limbs went numb from the impact and my arm buckled, sending me back to the ground. Every intake of breath was painful and I was barely able to wheeze. My ears reached hurried footsteps and with my blurry vision I saw Allan falling to his knees near me.

'Oh my goodness, twin, don't die on me!' His panicked voice sounded around me as he began lifting wood pieces away from me. I managed to grip his fur sleeve as I turned to him, noticing Ogden standing behind him.

'You have..... to... stop him.... Anna found...... Lullaby and..... Laird will kill... her....' I wheezed out as another figure joined our group.

'Ogden, go, we will take care of her' Orna's worried voice spoke and in a blink, Ogden was nowhere to be seen.

'C'mon, boy, the Herbalist's hut is too far away and we need to make sure nothing is broken' Orna spoke and I felt myself being lifted up.

'Stand up, twin' Allan softly spoke as he threw one of my arms around his shoulders and holding my waist, easily lifted me on my feet. Pain ran down my spine and I couldn't contain a groan from my mouth as I let myself being dragged off.

'Lay her down on the stomach' Orna ordered Allan once we entered her tent and he obeyed. I was carefully placed on the fur bed and Orna began checking my body. I felt her fingers nimbly run across my ribs and spine pressing in different places that sometimes would provoke a groan from me.

'Nothing is broken' Orna sighed after an intense silence and ordered Allan to sit me up. Once I was sitting without swaying to sides, Orna grabbed my face in her hands and locked it in front of her own. Her eyes held serious gaze that made my eyes focus on them.

'Never, and I mean never do that again' she spoke and I frowned.

'He wants to kill my friend' I whispered with my breathing still laboured.

'Lynea, listen to me. I understand that your friend is important to you, but you have to understand that we are driven by our instincts. You can't stop a rabbit from running away just as you can't stop Laird from trying to protect us. We are social beasts, our family is everything to us. Laird is the head of our family and his instincts are far stronger than any of our own. It will always drive him to protect us and nothing will stop him, even you. Promise me, that next time he is acting on his instincts, you will not interfere'

I looked at her and hesitated. Even if he was about to kill my friend?

'Promise me' she pressed me on, a slight growl rumbling in her words and I weakly nod.

'I promise'

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