Part 38

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<><><>Trigger warning: attempted rape? Not really? I don't count it since I know he didn't mean it, but just in case? I'm confused? You are confused?

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Trigger warning: attempted rape? Not really? I don't count it since I know he didn't mean it, but just in case? I'm confused? You are confused?

We stared at each other in silence for a minute or two, until I woke from the trance and ran to help my friend, who was still in the water. Grabbing her hand, I pulled her out of the water and we both took a few steps away from the river. I watched as droplets of water fell down from Anna and cringed.

'S-sorry, didn't mean to scare you'

Anna huffed and looked at me with the annoyance.

'Said the woman who stood behind me like a serial killer' she snared her arms in front of her and continued to look at me, waiting for something. My eyes went down to my feet as guilt was tickling my heart. She was right, I should have just called for her. Now she almost had a heart attack and was drenched.

Suddenly, I felt a pull and slammed into Anna, her arms snaking around me.

'I missed you, idiot' she said and I smiled, hugging her back.

'Missed you too'

We pulled away from each other and smiled, but Anna's smile soon turned into a concerned frown.

'How have you been? With that guy and all?' She asked me.

'You mean Tlaloc? Great!' I answered and her frown only deepened.

'Why are you smiling like a dork?' Her question took me by surprise and I felt my smile falter. I didn't even feel myself smiling upon mentioning Tlaloc.

'I-I... uhh...' I was lost to what to say, but I didn't have to because Anna took the lead.

'You aren't getting cozy with him, are you?' She asked, her voice angry and I began fidgeting with my fingers, nervous, because I did get cozy with Tlaloc. At least a little. Anna caught up to that.

'Lynea, what the fuck? You can't go spreading your legs to savages when we are being rescued!' She screamed at me and I flinched, feeling my heart squeeze from harsh words.

'B-but what if we don't get-'

'There's no but, Lynea. We are getting out of here!' Anna gritted her teeth.

'But in the meantime, you should get to know these people' I defended the villagers, but Anna was having none of that.

'Lynea, are you serious?! I heard what they did to you! They tried to kill you for fuck's sake!' She shouted and this time I frowned.

'Not all of them wanted that. Only women tried to do that and even then, only one of them tried to do the deed. I already talked to one of them and they regretted their decision. I accepted her apology' I continued defending those people. I didn't know why I did that, but deep down I knew that they were nice people. I had to prove myself worthy of living with them, that's all.

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