Bonus: Two Million Dollars

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Hearing Laird's words, my body sagged into my seat.

'Of course you are' I mumbled in disbelief. What are the chances of a wealthy man approaching you and asking you out on a date? One in a fucking billions of trillions. I would say impossible, but I am sitting beside Laird. Who was chuckling at my puddle form.

'Does my wealth lessen my manliness?'

'Huh? N-no, it's just.... It's not often you will see a freaking CEO asking a peasant out on a date'

'I was a peasant as well, you know' he said as he turned off the road onto a dirt path.

'Yeah, but... uh, I don't know. Shouldn't you be sitting in the meetings or in your office at the top of skyscraper with New York panorama behind you? Or be in your mansion, drinking wine with your elegant super model wife or mistress?' I asked him and this time Laird laughed.

'I had a few mistresses, but they all were using me as a money cow, nothing more' he chuckled and I smirked.

'Why do you think I won't do that?' I asked as we arrived at the spot. He turned the engine off and looked at me, a playful smile on his face.

'Will you?'

'Of course not!' I scoffed, just the thought of spending time with a man you don't love for money disgusting me.

'Then I won't worry about it' he answered, but I smiled at him mischievously.

'Unless my mother gets sick and her treatment cost two million dollars. Then I'm totally blackmailing you' I said and opening car's door, climbed out of the car. Laird's booming laugh followed me outside as he too climbed out of the car.

We were at a cliff overlooking the sea. At the far end of the land I could see New York. The wind softly ruffled my hair as the peacefulness settled in. The day was clear, without any clouds in the sky. I turned back and saw Laird pulling out a basket and couple of blankets out of the car. I giggled as I walked to him.

'Why do you have a picnic setup ready? Surely you aren't that confident in your date proposals' I chuckled as Laird closed the car and I took blankets from him.

'Well, I do have two million dollars in my credit card' he smirked.

'Laird!' I swatted his shoulder shocked. He laughed and dodged my attack, walking towards the edge of the cliff.

'You know I was joking!' I huffed and followed him.

We spent the day talking about each other while eating a variety of snacks that Laird prepared. I found out that he grew up in the wilderness, away from big cities as his parents were "off the grid" type of people. That fascinated me and I bombarded him with questions.

'Do you miss that kind of life? Now that you are business owner and all' I asked as I watched the sunset. Entire day passed in a blink, but I didn't mind.

'I don't like the city even after so many years and try to go there as less as possible. I can't understand how you can live there. The air is disgusting, the sounds makes my ears bleed and all of those people glued to you as you walk' Laird replied with a disgusted face. I chuckled.

'You have to get used to it, I guess' I said as I laid down on the blanket, next to Laird. It was getting dark and I knew I should be going home, but I was enjoying myself too much. Silence stood between us as we watch first stars appear.

'Did you enjoy our date?' Laird asked me and I giggled.

'Yeah, those sushi rolls were the best, but, honestly? They are overpriced. Really overpriced' I answered and  heard a quiet chuckle.

'I enjoyed this date a lot more than I thought I would. You know, spending time with a man twice my age.' I turned to him as he was already looking at me. I wiggled my eyebrows.

'That's scandalous' I said and we both laughed. Silence once again stood between us and I glanced at my phone. Laird caught me doing that and sighed.

'I guess I should bring you home' he said and I frowned. I really didn't want this to end yet. A thought came to my mind and I took my phone.

'Unless I write my mom that I'm spending my time with my banana' I said as I was texting her.

'Banana?' Laird asked, confused by my terminology. I giggled.

'It's a family joke. You know, bananas and peaches. Males and females' I explained as I got a reply from my mom.

Mom: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

'Your banana?' Laird chuckled as my face went red. Did I really said that?

'Y-you are on the date with me, so you are mine for the day' I said quickly.

'I'll reserve a table at one of the sushi restaurants for our next date then' he said and I looked at him wide eyed.

'Second date?' Was this man seriously so interested in me? Laird only smirked at me.

'You aren't getting rid of me so easily, Lynea' he chuckled and I pursed my lips.

'You sound like a stalking killer' I joked and something glinted in Laird's eyes. With a mischievous smirk he rose up and climbed on top of me, trapping me against the blanket.

'And what if I am?' He whispered, leaning closer to me. I could feel my cheeks warming up as I bit my lower lip. I didn't want to admit, but him trapping me like that turned me on.

'I'll call the police' I quietly replied, half jokingly. Laird chuckled and fully leaned to me, his hot breath fanning my ear.

'We are at least an hour away from nearest police station and by the time they get here, I would be done with you' he whispered into my ear as he trailed his nose up my jaw. Shivers ran up and down my body as I gripped his shoulders.

'I-I will fight' I squeaked as I felt him kiss my neck. Laird chuckled.

'I love when they fight a losing battle' he said and gently bit into my skin as if to prove his point. I squirmed underneath him, biting my lip hard in order not to let him know that I was enjoying it too much.

'Let's k-keep baby seals f-for our third date and i-intimate affection for t-the fourth date' I managed to stutter out as Laird continued attacking my neck. I knew he left a hickey, but I didn't mind at all.

Laird finally left my neck alone and chuckled.

'Deal' he said and pushed himself up. I was flushed and horny from just that, but forced myself to calm down. I was starting to act like a teenager, that was not good.

'So, for the second date?' He asked, smirking at me as I breathed deeply to calm my body down. His look said that he knew the affect his kiss left on me, that only embarrassing me more.

'Not the restaurant, it's cliche' I shook my head and hummed, thinking for something else. I mean, he promised baby seals for our third date, so might as well go all on the second one. An idea popped in my head.

'I want to see you hunting. And after that another picnic in the forest. Or camping' I suggested and he nod.

'I'll arrange that' he smiled, clearly happy with my suggestion. He looked at me for a moment and huffed.

'Okay, let's go back, before I really try to go pass the kiss' he said as he stood up. My face was red once again, but my mouth couldn't keep shut.

'Two million dollars and I might consider' I joked as I stood up. Laird smirked at me and shook his head.

'Careful, I have more than two million'.


There you go, minotaurs. The bonus chapters, I hope you enjoyed!

Minosta 🌲

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