Part 12

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My eyes met Allan's and he frowned a bit. On that motion I caught myself staring at him with betrayal on my face and turned my head away from him. My eyes landed on the far away forest and my mind went back to the moment when I agreed to go on this trip. Why on Earth have I ruined my fragile relationship with my parents to go on the trip and be murdered?

If I somehow get out of this island, I will never go on another trip in my entire life.

My thoughts were interrupted by voices before me and others. Lifting my head, I saw old woman speaking to the man in charge about something and pointing at me. What was even more weird was the fact that Allan spoke to the old woman in their language as well.

How does he know the language and is that old woman going on about my stomach again? Has Allan been with these people all along? Did he help them kidnap us? Kill Kayle?

'They are talking about you' Anna whispered, stopping rushing questions in my head and I looked at her. She was looking at them as if she was watching a Saw movie and I knew for a fact that she hated horror movies.

'I think that old woman is obsessed with my stomach' I whispered her back and she finally looked at me.

'Maybe you are pregnant and they want to steal your kid?' She gave a reason and I looked at her with a blank face. She, on the other hand, was looking at me with her eyes wide as if she found the truth.

'Anna, if I was pregnant, instead of here, I would be in my parents' basement tortured so that I would have a miscarriage' I explained to her and shut my mouth right after. Allan with other two were looking at us and I noticed Allan lowly speaking to the man.

Dear God, did he just translated everything to them?

Maybe I was exaggerating about torture, but my parents wouldn't be happy. They probably were already searching for a man who would be controlling me like they do. Well, maybe they are searching for me now.

Suddenly, Allan with the man walked to us and stopped before me. In the corner of my eye I saw Anna squirm away from them.

'Lynea, you are pregnant?' Allan asked me and I looked at him.

'No' I said and watched him translate the word. The man said something to Allan and he turned to me again.

'The Herbalist says that she felt strong instincts reside in your stomach area. Is that correct? Do you have gut feeling?' Allan asked me. My guts instantly squeezed themselves, clearly telling me to keep my mouth shut. I was still wondering why my guts activated only when I landed on this island, but I was getting used to it already.

'Lynae, tell me' Allan spoke, his voice softening a little, but it didn't persuade me. Instead, I turned my head away from them and looked at the forest again, trying my best to ignore other people's stares pointed at me.

I heard the man speak, his low voice resonating through the area and I felt shivers run down my spine. It was like listening to your favourite singer threatening you.

The men moved from me to my right and I heard Allan say Jack's name. My head instantly snapped their way and I saw Jack and the leader glaring at each other. They looked like a lion who was about to eat his kid. The age and body structure between them were so different that it made the scene almost comical.

The leader spoke with Allan briefly and then shouted a command. Two men walked to the leader who nod towards Jack. I watched as they grabbed Jack by his arms from the sides and pulled him up. Jack began trashing around, trying to break free and I was surprised to see that men who held him barely held him in their grasp. I guess Jack had adrenalin pump him strength.

'You will pay for this' Jack seethe the words to Allan who looked at him with blank face and said nothing.

Jack was dragged to the pedestal and slammed down. The old woman began tying Jack down who was pinned down by those two men who dragged him. His shirt was ripped off, exposing his stomach to everyone.

I with Anna watched everything unfold before us and neither of us moved or spoke. My breathing increased as panic and fear spread through me. I could feel my heart hammer into my ribs.

The leader walked to me as if Jack's shouts and curses weren't there and crouched before me. Even in crouching position he was towering over me. I didn't even feel how I flinched away from him. The man grabbed my chin and rose my head. He moved his head to the side a little bit and looked at me like a person who is thinking about buying the product. All this time my breath was caught in my throat while my mind presented me with at least five ways I will die today.

Suddenly, a woman skipped towards us and stopped by the man. She threw me a nasty look and then focused to the leader. She began speaking something with gestures towards me and from her voice it was obvious that she was not happy with me. The man ignored her until woman's voice turned a little bit threatening. When she said something in lower voice, the man snapped his head and looked at the woman without a word. The latter squirmed a little bit back, but held her place. I watched as the man before me slowly stood up and completely devouring the woman in his shadow placed his hand on the side of his kilt, hiding the hand under his shoulder  pelt. He rose his other hand and brushed a thumb across the woman's face who almost melted to his touch. His next move was in super speed. His hand on her cheek grabbed the face while the hidden one pulled out a knife. It only glinted before me for a second and then it dug into woman's stomach. The woman grunted, her eyes wide in surprise while the man leaned to her so that their faces were a centimeter away from each other. He spoke to woman with calm and barely audible voice, but it was mixed with a growl that came deep from his chest. The next moment the woman flew across the field and landed on the ground with a groan. Women next to her ran to help her stand up and take care of the wound.

The leader instantly forgot the woman he just stabbed and turned his attention back to me. My eyes, on the other hand, were wide and locked on the woman who was slowly walking away with her body half hunched forward. Two women were helping her walk and on both faces was fear.

A growl from the leader brought my attention to him as my eyes landed on him. He was looking at me with a frown, but before I could even blink, he walked around me. I felt him mingling with the ropes as my hands popped out of the bindings. Like Jack, I was pulled up in my feet and I felt the man's arm around my waist.

Then I was pushed towards the pedestal.

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