Part 45

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I gave Laird a moment to collect his thoughts and facts as I was watching the fire flies. They still amazed me.

'I want one' my mouth spoke my thoughts out loud as one of the little guys buzzed in front of my face, almost sitting on my nose. They were too lazy to even be afraid of me.

'You want a bug?' Laird asked, confused by my fascination.

'I think I found my spirit animal' I joked and looked playfully at Laird. He rose his eyebrows at me and I wiggled mine back.

'Anyway, continue' I encouraged him, curiosity still strong in me.

'So, back to young hunter times. In Air village a girl was born, but- what's wrong?' He asked and I jumped a little bit, being caught. My lower lip was in death grip to contain the laughter, but being caught by Liar already, I let my laugh out. It rang throughout the field, not bothering fire flies one bit.

'I-I'm sorry, but the n-names for the villages are so ridiculous' I laughed, trying to stop in order for Laird to continue, but even he had an amused look.

'They do lack some.... originality' he smirked and I giggled like a school girl.

'Okay... phew... continue. The girl was born but?' I urged Laird as I finally calmed down.

'But she was different. She was born as a pup. A wolf pup more exact'

'Waaait, wait, wait, wait. A wolf pup was born from a human woman?' I stopped Laird, confused and horrified by the image my brain created. My face probably reflected my feelings because Laird rose his hand and caressed my nose bridge and I felt it relax.

'Yes and no. The girl was a human, but had the ability to shift into wolf. She simply was born in her wolf form, but almost instantly changed back into a baby in front of others.'


'Uh-oh indeed. From that day and on she was deemed a monster. It didn't help that she had no control of her changes her entire childhood'

'So she is the first of your kind' I stated, my brain working on processing the information.

'No, she is the mother of our kind, but not the first'

I gave him a confused look.

'More on that later. Since she was a "monster", her family was outcasted from the community and had to live in the outskirts of the village. Because of that, her family hated her, starved and abused her, so she spent a lot of time in the forest. With her ability to shift into a wolf, she befriended the wild wolf pack of the island. A few hours a day with them turned into days and then months until she stopped going home. The pack loved her despite her human side and she settled down with them. And of course, just like humans, she had a family'

My eyes went wide at the last sentence.


'Yes. She mated with the Alpha of the pack and the first beings of my kind was born'

'No.... no, no, no, no. This is wrong. She fucked an animal? That's bestiality! It's-' a growl from Laird shut me up and I froze, my eyes on him. He had a slight frown, but even that made Tlaloc's face even scarier.

'How many times I told you to loose your homeland's rules? What if the animal forces itself on the human, then what?' He asked and I frowned, looking away from him.

'I-I don't know. Reverse bestiality?' I heard him sigh and I looked back at him. He was calm again and looked at me in silence, waiting.

'Did she.... understood what she was doing?' I finally broke silence and looked away from Laird's navy blue eyes and focused my frown on his toned chest. Well, Tlaloc's tone chest.

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