Part 51

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My brain was overheating. The way he expects? I didn't have time to think about that because my chin was pulled up and my eyes met navy blue. Mine were wide like rabbit's since I had no idea of what to expect.

He captured my lips without a warning as his hand moved from my chin to my jaw. The kiss was very passionate and dominating, Laird claiming full dominance. Shivers of thrill ran down my spine and I relaxed, letting Laird to take full control over our kiss. My hands pressed themselves against his tone chest, my fingers slowly running across his muscles.

Suddenly, he growled and broke the kiss. He had irritated expression.

'Annoying' he growled.

I felt his hands grip my thighs and in one swift motion he lifted me up. A gasp escaped my lips and my legs wrapped around Laird's torso, my skirt hiking all the way up. He instantly pressed himself to me, his buldge pressing against my exposed womanhood. I gasped again, tingling sensation spreading in my lower region and causing my legs to squeeze harder around the torso.

'Perfect' Laird purred against my jaw and using my shocked state, deepened the kiss. His tongue invaded my mouth, curling around my own tongue and exploring my mouth. My arms snaked around his neck and I dug my fingers in his rough hair.

But then a dead, mangled body decorated with pink flowers flashed in my eyes and my mind cleared up.

'Laird....' I spoke softly when he broke the kiss and moved down my neck. Gently pushing against his chest, I tried to gain his attention, but he ignored me. He trailed down my neck, leaving small kisses along the way, biting my skin and surely leaving marks for others to see. I couldn't hold in a small moan by slowly igniting sensation his kisses created.

I dug my nails into his shoulders and I tried again.

'Laird' I spoke with stronger voice and he finally heard me. Pulling away from my neck he looked at me, his blue eyes swirling with new energy, but before I could get lost in them, I sighed and shook my head.

'We can't do it'

He frowned and his snarl came back, not even trying to hide itself. My chest squeezed with guilt as I sheepishly watched him, still in our sexy position.

'A murder just occurred, we have to focus on that' I reminded him.

And just like that, his snarl disappeared and a smirk took its place. He leaned in and chuckled by my right ear, confusing me in the process.

'It's so easy to lead you the wrong way' he softly growled and let my thighs go, placing me on the ground in the process. I caught on to his joke and felt my cheeks go warm, but instead of focusing on his lewd comment, I marched forward and deeper into the forest.

I didn't have any particular destination apart from getting away from the Herbalist. My mind, on the other hand, went quickly to work and brought up the moment I was just in. The passionate way Laird kissed me, how securely his arms held me, how easily he pulled me into the mood. It made my heartbeat quicken and my cheeks go warmer.

You just met him. You just understood how Tlaloc and him..... work. You can't just open your legs to the stranger like that.

But I wanted to get my life into my own hands and make decisions myself, rebel a little. Wouldn't that be a perfect way to rebel?

I can't get attached to them, what if the rescuers come?

But I said myself that they won't.

My mind was in war. I didn't know how to approach this "lovey dovey, touchy touchy" situation. It was the first time for me to be able to experience feelings like that. Maybe I should just go with the flow?

Yeah, and swim down the "love" river and fall into the lake of "consequences and regret".

But won't I be okay with that?

Suddenly, the trees disappeared and I was brought back into reality by hundreds of fireflies lazily hanging out with their firefly cups of tea.

I was back at the magical meadow.

I stood and watched them, amazed all over again by how beautiful the clearing was. Laird passed me by and began walking towards the tree and that made me move.

'Fireflies!' I screamed joyously and zoomed pass Laird, towards the flying spirit animals of mine. My mind barely registered the chuckle that followed my running form or the fact that I just stopped us from having fun because of the murder or the murder itself. It was just me and the "flame ass" bugs.

I let myself forget my situation as a whole. My family, depression and other horrible things. Instead, I just kept jumping and trying to catch at least one bug for me to inspect upon closer and just enjoyed the childish moment.

After many tries of relentless jumping and running across the field, I finally was able to catch one. It moved inside my closed palms, tickling me, but I was beyond amazed by the tiny bug to notice that.

'Laird!' I happily shouted and turned to him. He was back by the tree, sitting with his head against the tree and eyes closed. He didn't react to me, so I ran towards him.

'Laird! Laird! Laird! Laird! Laird! Laird!' I shouted his name like a kid with every step I took as I dashed towards him. When I was close to him, he finally opened one of his eyes and looked at me. If not for the excitement, I'm sure my heart would have skipped a beat.

I fell down on my knees between his legs as I brought my hands between us. Slowly opening them up, I revealed the flaming bug, sitting on my palm. I was beyond amazed.

I watched as the bug began walking on my palm, inspecting it until it got bored and spread his wings. Slowly, he began flying up. Without any worry or hurry it flew around us for a while and then decided to join the rest.

I looked at Laird with a huge grin as my elated mood didn't fly away with the amazing bug.

'I caught one' I happily stated and turned back to look at the bugs that illuminates the field.

I felt Laird softly brush my cheek and I turned back to him. Without any warning he pushed my down onto grass and pinned me down by my hands on the sides of my head. Our eyes met and I finally let myself get lost in them, the completely different energy than Tlaloc's, pulling my attention. It felt as if he stared into my soul as he leaned down, our lips barely having enough space.

'And I caught you' he quietly spoke and captured my lips into another passionate kiss, our fingers interlocking with each other's.

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