Part 55

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Orna looked intently at me for a minute, to make sure I wasn't lying, and nod. Her attention instantly went to Allan who stood a little bit away from bed and watched everything with "please save my twin" face.

'What's your name, boy?' She asked with serious, but friendly voice.

'Allan, ma'am' he replied politely. I could see Orna fighting a smile as she locked her eyes with him.

'Could you bring me the mortar and pestle from the crate next to you?' She pointed to the wooden crate to my right as she went to her food storage and began rummaging through it. One after another, Orna pulled different herbs, stacking them neatly by her own feet as she search for other ingredients. Once she had found everything she needed, she picked the herbs and came back to where I was sitting. Allan came back as well and with all the items, Orna quickly began making something. I watched as she put herbs in specific order while grinding them in quick and strong circular motions.

'What are you making?' I asked curiously, trying to focus on her and not the pain that my body was currently drenched in.

'Medicine for your bruises. You don't want to look blue during the festival, do you?' Orna answered and I frowned.

'When is the festival?'

'In three days'

My eyes went wide and I glanced at Allan. He did the same.

'But you can't hold a festival while a killer is running around' Allan spoke and sat next to me, looking at Orna. The latter sighed.

'Yes, but it is a tradition that you don't want to postpone, even in our circumstances'

Her answer didn't make any sense. The festival was a perfect time to get not one, but many victims killed. And with no suspects to keep an eye on, the killer was a free man.

'The festival is not worth the deaths of potential victims' I spoke carefully. I knew tradition and anything involving their community was a touchy subject. Orna stopped grinding and stood up. Sitting behind me, I felt her rub the cold mixture on my back, where most force was inflicted.

'It's not worth to risk entire village for one festival' she finally answered after a long silence. That made me confused.

'What do you mean?'

'The festival is for the God of Death. Angering him will result in more than a couple deaths' Orna explained. I bit my tongue, keeping my own views on Gods and forces to myself. Instead I just nod and changed subject.

'When will I be able to go?'

'Already thinking of running off?' Orna playfully replied with a question and I chuckled. And then hissed in pain.

'I don't want to be a burden to you'

'You are not. It's best for you to spend a night here, so the medicine can seep into your muscles over night. If you won't move a lot during the night, you will wake up with just a small ache' she answered me from behind as she continued to rub my hurting muscles.

I only nod and turned to Allan. He was already looking at me, worry clearly on his face. I couldn't help, but smile at him.

'I'll be fine, Allan, stop worrying' He frowned deeply and gritted his teeth.

'You shouldn't be with him'

'Huh?' Both me and Orna looked at him, surprised by his words.

'If he throws and hurts you around like a ragdoll, don't you think he is not fit to be your partner? Any woman's partner?' He answered through his teeth. It was the second time in my life when I saw Allan so angry. It wasn't easy to make him rage as well, but considering that we both were asked to throw away everything we knew and thought from our home by this place, it wasn't surprise seeing him fight against it.


'I don't think you can pry in other people's matters' Orna cut me off, her strict voice unwavering. Allan looked to Orna dead in the eye and frowned.

'Lynea, is my best friend, my twin. I can and I will interfere if her family life goes worse from now on. Alpha or not, I'm not afraid to take action  to protect her' by the end he was snarling at the woman that stayed silent, her hands stilling on my back. The silence that followed after broke me from my surprised trance and I grabbed Allan's hand.

'You are not fighting Laird with Tlaloc. I really appreciate your words, but I need an alive twin, not a dead one' I said seriously and smiled, 'I'm sure we will sort things out, since it was my fault for angering him that much'

Allan reluctantly nod still frowning, but I could see that he was still on his words. His words did make me start wondering about Lairds..... choice of action. I thought that he went a little bit too far, but I was the one jumping on him like a lunatic, completely ignoring the possibility of breaking his neck or twisting his head the wrong way. Yet he was the one who went ballistic just on the mention of the Deathly Lullaby. I was pretty sure being level headed was one of the important aspects of being a good leader.

'Okay, Lynea, it's time for you to rest. Allan if you could' Orna's voice broke my thought as she gave a hint for Allan to leave. He once again nod and stood up, his gaze instantly on me.

'I'll go find Ogden and ask about Anna. I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight'

'Night' I answered him with a small smile and watched him disappear behind the tent's leather door.

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