Part 29

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Tlaloc looked at me for a moment and I could see that he was having a hard time believing me. I grinned and slowly traced my finger down his chest, earning a barely felt rumble.

'I think you have some good qualities in his eyes, Allan might keep you in his mind for later pursuit' I said and felt him move back, pulling his hand away from my torso. His sudden move caused me to fall back on the ground and I looked at him surprised by his reaction. He wasn't homophobic, was he?

Tlaloc moved his gaze from me and looked to someone or something behind me. I watched as he froze in place and his eyes went unfocused. My curiosity was curious of what he was doing, but since he was sitting on my hips in a suggestive position that didn't let me move, I was left with simply laying on the ground and waiting for Tlaloc to wake up.

After a couple of minutes with Tlaloc unmoving, I decided to look around, despite his behaviour making me a little bit scared. What I saw was understandable. Everyone looked at us curious or confused, some where openly not pleased with the view before them. And I understood why. Tlaloc was straddling me, the outsider, in front of everyone and the position itself was quite sexual. On that thought my brain caught up with the whole situation and I felt my cheeks go tomato mode.

'Tlaloc' I called the man above me, but he still looked off somewhere. Raising my hand I called him again while waving in front of his face and he finally blinked back to reality. His eyes gazed down on me and I squirmed a little.

'Everyone is looking' I spoke quietly, but he didn't care. Tlaloc leaned down so that our faces were super close, our noses touching, as he looked me seriously dead in the eyes.

'I hope you aren't lying to me, Lynea' he spoke quietly and stood up, pulling me after him in a quick motion. I looked at him confused, but he ignored it and pulled me after him to the unknown.

We left the village grounds and entered the forest. I embraced myself for a long walk, but not five minutes later I heard grunts that were followed by a loud thud. My eyes went wide at the sounds and I was about to ask Tlaloc what those sounds were, but the forest beat me to it and ended, opening the scene before me. I saw a huge lake shimmer in the sun's light as a cloud of mist was forming above it. The area was surrounded by thick forest that screamed ancient age. But the most surprising thing was right in front of me, in the middle of the small patch of grass.

Allan laying on the ground with the blond brute on top of him.

All four of us froze in our places as Allan and brute's eyes went to us. Allan looked at me and for the second time in my life his gaze was too heavy for me to bear so I did the first thing that came to my head. I screamed.

'Ahhh! My virgin eyes!' I screamed and hid my eyes with my palms. Through my fingers I could see them look at me with confusion except Allan looked with amusement.

'C'mon Lynea you saw far more than this' Allan said and my hands fell from my face in shock. I looked at him wide eyed and saw him grinning at me. Tlaloc and the brute looked at me with weird looks and I felt my cheeks go red.

'I-I saw nothing!' I stuttered, but Allan chuckled with more embarrassment coming my way.

'You said you would be there for me when I found love of my life' he spoke with a fake pout on his face.

I couldn't believe he was speaking like that in front of two most powerful men in this place. I knew nothing about the blonde brute, but I had a gut feeling that he was close to Tlaloc. Brother? No, they looked way to different. Childhood friends? Most likely.

'I meant mentally not physically while you do.... things' I defended myself while Allan had a hard time not laughing.

'Really? I swear I found some gay mag-'

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