Part 42

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I didn't know what to do. Tlaloc became delusional and now thinks that he can heal my wounds? With wide eyes I pushed against Tlaloc's, I mean, Laird's chest and shook my head.

'I-I'm fine, it will heal on its own' I said, but he ignored me. He brought a simple cloth out of nowhere and in one swift move cleaned the healing cream off of my neck. The simple touch to my tender and irritated skin brought the burning pain back and without the cold of the cream, the pain stayed. I painfully groaned and hit Laird's shoulder, putting as much force as I could.

'Stop it!' I shouted, but he didn't let me go. He simply wiped the rest of the cream on my body, making the pain only increase.

I struggled against him, trying my best to get him off of me, but he wasn't even phased. Laird leaned into me, his body locking my own in place as I felt his tongue run across the wound. I couldn't hold my scream as it burst out of my throat from the excruciating pain raking my body. My muscles twitched as tears began pouring out of my eyes.

'Stop...' I whimpered as his tongue ran across the wound again, but he continued ignoring me.

Suddenly, my face flushed as it began heating up. My breathing automatically quickened and I gripped Laird's shoulders, confused of what was going on. His chuckle reached my ear as I gasped when tingles of pleasure intertwined with the pain.

'What are you.... doing?' I breathed deeply and shivers ran down my spine when his hand began slowly go up my thigh.

'Healing your wound' Tlaloc's dark voice whispered. He moved away from my neck and slowly began moving down to my stomach, a smirk adoring his lips all the way. Our eyes were locked as I watched him slowly run his tongue across the red gashes. The same mixture of painful pleasure came back and I groaned, my body trying to move away from his tongue. I closed my eyes and just took deep breaths, trying my best to ignore the pain and an embarrassing sound that fought to be released.

What felt like hours of slow torture, Laird finally was finished with the second wound and moved to the last one. When I felt my skirt moving up, my eyes flew open and I looked down. Laird had his head between my thighs, his shoulders keeping my legs up and wide. I could feel my face going super red as our eyes met again and a smirk came back to his lips. I instantly tried to move my legs off of his shoulders, but his arms snared around them and kept them in place. With the skirt moved up and my legs open wide, I knew that all of my womanly beauty was on display.

'Why are you doing this?' I spoke, trying to get his attention on my face and not my legs. This whole action was so embarrassing that I forgot about the pain momentarily.

'To heal your wounds' he replied and kissed a part of the gashes, his tongue licking the small available area. He was taking his sweet time and that annoyed me.

'You are embarrassing me!' I shouted and watched his eyes shifting in amusement.

'That too'

He ran his tongue along the wound again and I gasped, the feeling mix forcing me to grip the fur, but I didn't move my eyes away from him. I gasped again, but this time in shock as I watched my wound slowly healing up. The jagged and loose skin that showed my crimson flesh began closing up and slowly hide the muscle. Laird licked already closing wound again, leaving a glistering streak of his saliva. I watched as the saliva began seeping into my skin and the edges of the wound sped up. Before I know, the only indication of the wound was a thin and pale scar.

Laird's saliva closed the wound.

'Done' he spoke and gave my thigh a small kiss before bringing my legs down, together with the skirt. His eyes moved to my own, but I didn't move. I laid before him with wide eyes, shocked of what I just saw. My hand moved on its own and traced my neck where the beast bit me, but I felt nothing, but a smooth skin.

The pain was also gone.

'Will you take a walk with me?' Laird spoke, out of the blue, and I blinked at him, my mind too confused of what I saw to answer. And what I was supposed to think? Tlaloc went mad, thinking that his name was Laird and now, before my own eyes, I saw his saliva heal my wounds. And now he acts like its nothing and asks for a walk?

'If you want to continue doing what we started, I suggested getting rid of the clothing' Laird's voice woke me up from my thoughts and I felt my cheeks go warm.

'In your dreams' I mumbled, looking away embarrassed and wiping my cheeks that had remains of my tears.  Laird chuckled.

'I have dreamt more than just taking your clothes off' he spoke and I looked at him with my eyes wide again. A smirk played on his lips as he slowly began tracing my thigh. In a second I was sitting, my face barely avoiding his chest.

'T-the walk sounds amazing' I quickly rambled and stood up, bolting towards the entrance with Laird's continues chuckle of amusement following me.

In a second I was out of the tent and breathed in the air, my lungs already feeling light. It felt like ages has past since my last spent minute outside even though I was sure it was less than 24 hours. My eyes traveled past the volcano where the sun was already setting, painting the sky and the forest in orange and yellow hues.

I heard shuffle behind me and turned around, my eyes locking with navy blue. Laird was standing in the doorway, his broad shoulders leaning against one of the wooden pillars that supported the tent. His eyes were on me, the intensity of it making me blush and turn away.

'Are we taking the walk or not?' I asked, breaking the silence that stood between us.

'It's not just a walk' Tlaloc's dark voice reached me and I fought my body from shuddering. His voice was so damn smooth and alluring, like it was made to bring women to him. The general feeling around him changed as well. Even now, without looking at him I could feel his dominant aura pressing against my back, the need to drop to the ground and disappear very strong in my chest. Whatever happened to Taloc the night I found him in pain, changed him drastically. I swear, even his body mass was bigger.

I saw myself being devoured by Laird's shadow as he snaked his arms around me, causing me to jump, startled by his sudden move. He buried his face into my neck and inhaled, exhaling with a purr.

'We will talk about some serious things and then have some fun' he growled into my ear, his canine teeth playfully grazing my skin, the same spot the beast bit. This time I couldn't hold in the shudders as they ran down my body, my mind already being pulled into Laird's created sexual atmosphere.

'N-no fun, please' I spoke with my weak voice and he pulled away, chuckling.

'Only if you can resist it long enough' he said as he took my hand and began pulling me into the forest.

And I knew I wouldn't be able to resist the new Tlaloc long enough.

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