Part 37

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Miss me? I'm back with my studies finished for now whooooooo! So, I asked you guys to leave questions and only a couple of them were asked so I'm going to put the answers AND the chapter in one page

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Miss me? I'm back with my studies finished for now whooooooo! So, I asked you guys to leave questions and only a couple of them were asked so I'm going to put the answers AND the chapter in one page. Huh? You thought you would get two chapters if no questions were asked? Who do you think am I, a fairy? Pffff....

So here are those few answers:

@DeniseEnkirch and @pearlandglitter

You two got confused about Lynea's sexuality. No, Lynea is not a lesbian. I only used that sentence to get people's attention and it clearly worked.


What am I studying? A hint was left at Q&A chapter, my werewolf books are a huge hint. I am studying, drum rolls please,

🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲FORESTRY 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲

🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲FORESTRY 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲

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So beautiful *sniff*

You also asked if Lynea will ever go home

You also asked if Lynea will ever go home

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That's all. Now to the chapter we go!

???? P.O.V

Walking through the forest early in the morning was always my favourite thing to do. When the sun just peeked over horizon and birds began their day, I start my day as well. Breathing in fresh air that cleans your lungs, the quiet wind that accompanies you throughout your morning walk, animals that greet you with their sound of their running hooves hitting the ground, their sour smell of fear filling your nose - it's perfect. If I take a basket or two, like today, I would bring back home some herbs for pain and nausea or berries for tea and paint. Today forest gifted me berries, blueberries in fact, perfect for evening tea.

I don't know how long it takes me to gather all of the forest's gifts or how long I enjoy my morning walk, but by the time I get back, the village is always hard into work and today was no different. Everyone knew their place in the village and made sure to do their jobs right. Now that the new Luna has finally been chosen, everybody knew that their work will be monitored by her. And yet they still couldn't get their hearts to open up for the new girl. So what if she was an outsider? Do they think that a woman from other tribes would be better? How can they not understand that having Luna with no connections on this island is the best thing any Alpha could dream? No fear of overthrowing, war, backstabbing, unfaithfulness, tradition breaking, family control. It's so easy to mend outsiders' mind and make them think and take our beliefs. Especially with our little Luna. She is young, inexperienced. Alpha already began mending her mind to the right way and she is giving in easily. Her affection towards our Alpha is only quickening the process. Soon she will join us, not in soul, but in mind.

Our Alpha seems to have a sweet spot for her as well. It's good to see him finally taking interest in women. Some of men were already thinking on challenging Alpha for his position, but no one would have won against him. They think having no Luna for more than 20 winters will make you weak, but it makes you patient, focus on yourself and think on how to keep your mate safe. Of course, having some women be overtaken by their jealousy and some having no clear mind and following others without a thought will not help you on the safety of the Luna, but the consequences of their actions aren't and will never be positive. It also brings shame on the family and thinking about the latest stupid actions of village's women, all of them brought shame into their houses. No wonder men didn't try to approach their Luna. They want to talk to her, I can see that, but they feel embarrassed about their mates, sisters, daughters.

I never hurry back home as forest's essence was always softly lulling me back. This day was no different. As I was walking down the path back to my tent with a basket full of blueberries, my nose was hit with strong pine scent. A smile came upon my face as I walked into my tent and saw our Alpha. He was sitting in the middle of the tent, legs crossed and fists clenched till the knuckles were white. He had his eyes closed and his breathing was laboured, even his body trembled a little.

'Already feeling it?' I asked as I walked around him, placing my basket on the table.

'It so strong' he groaned as he clenched his fists even harder.

'It is supposed to be strong' I replied and began cleaning the berries.

'I thought I was prepared' he barely whispered, the strain in his voice clear as day.

'No one is prepared. Especially after such a long time of wait. Why not just do it?' I asked him, long time curious about his decision of waiting so long with her.

'She knows nothing of us' he replied, strength returning to his voice. He had it under control. This time.

'Does she has to? There is plenty of time after it for her to find it out' I smiled.

'I don't want to loose her trust, not after everything that happened' he said and stood by me. He began absentmindedly eating my berries, but I didn't stop him. Controlling one self has always resulted in big appetite after.

'You are being so nice to her' he just grunted and turned around, looking off somewhere.

'I can smell her from here' he spoke, his eyes still focused out of the tent.

'Of course you do, you have marked her as yours' I replied without looking at him. He was like a pup that left the den and for the first time saw the outside world. It was amusing.

Another growl left his throat as his teeth snapped together into a snarl, canines pressing against his lower lip. His eyes were navy blue, such a huge contrast to his calm ones.

'It won't get better' I warned him and he finally got his attention back to me, still with a snarl. I watched as my hands did the monotone job that I was so used to do and sad smile crept to my lips.

'It never does, even after death....' my hands stopped the job as I turned to our Alpha. He was breathing deeply, but was back to normal.

'I suggest staying away from her for a few days' on that he frowned.

'How is that supposed to help?' He was so inexperienced that I chuckled.

'Your need to have her in your arms will definitely increase, but that increase is exactly what you need. It will take over any other needs and you will be able to control it. At least couple of times'

He looked to be in thought for a moment and then nod, his eyes already fix back to the outside. He began moving out, but I grabbed his hand, getting his attention back. Once his eyes locked with mine I looked at him seriously.

'And remember, always listen to your instincts, son'

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