Part 39

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With my hand still covering the wound I climbed down the stairs and began walking. I was dazed, confused and scared. That wasn't Tlaloc I knew. What's gotten into him? Why do I feel like I am responsible for the state he is in? My eyesight became blurry as tears began trickling down my cheeks. It was all my fault.

'Luna?' A man's voice and his strong grip on my shoulders woke me up from my thought train and I looked at him, confused.

'What happened, Luna?' The man asked. He was around 30 winters old, had shoulder length raven black hair that made his grey eyes stand out. He looked worried and only now I noticed that I was standing in the middle of the village, with villagers looking at us.

I moved my hand from the neck and stared at the blood. My blood. Tlaloc hurt me again and it was all my fault. Why else would he shout at me and kick me out of the living quarters? I didn't know what I did, but I was sure he would tell me soon enough.

'It's my fault' I whispered and my lower lip began trembling, tears streaming down again.


'Ogden' I spoke, my voice raspy from tears, as I remembered what Tlaloc ordered me and completely ignored the man. 'I need to find Ogden'

I looked at the man who had a frown on his face. He released me and pointed towards the training ground.

'He lives right by the lake, on the right side' he explained and I nod, already walking away.

I entered the forest and I tried to calm down. A though of why Tlaloc sent me here came to my mind and my eyes watered again. He sent me to Ogden so that he could punish me. I began hiccuping as I reached the lake and turned right. In the distance I saw a torch pushed into the ground, so I walked towards it. Soon enough I saw a cave entrance with Ogden walking towards me. He had a frown and upon seeing me, he only sped up.

My tears began streaming down as Ogden reached me. I didn't want to get punished so I did the only thing I could.

'I'm sorry' I cried as he reached me and I saw him frown even more, 'I'm so sorry'

I felt Ogden grip my shoulders and I whimpered, expecting the pain.

'Luna, what happened?' He asked, his voice as always emotionless and that only made my fear of incoming pain even bigger.

'It's my fault, I didn't mean it' I rambled on, hoping that Ogden would let me go. He brushed my hair aside and opened the view of my neck. A small growl escaped his throat.

'Allan' he called for my twin and I couldn't stop my tears from falling even more. He is going to punish me with the help of Allan.

'Hm?.. Oh my goodness, Lynea, what happened?!' I heard my twin shout and his foot sound warned me of his running form.

'Something happened and she is in shock. She is not thinking straight. Take care of the wound and calm her down, I need to check on Alpha' Ogden said and I was passed into familiar arms.

'C'mon, twin, let's take care of your wound' he murmured to me and I let myself being lead into a cave while Ogden ran the way I just came from.

Upon entering I was met with a small cave with double bed at the very end with fur pinned to wall above it, shelf carved into the rock with weapons in them to my left and small table with ingredients to my right with fire crackling in the middle. It was small, but cozy.

Allan lead me to the bed and I was sat down on soft furs. He disappeared only for a second to come back with a cup of steaming tea and some cloth. He gave me the tea, but I was too worried and scared to move.

'Lynea, drink. It will calm you down' he softly spoke to me and I looked at him. His brown eyes were looking into my own with worry and I hiccuped.

'Y-you won't punish me?'

He frowned at my question and brought me into a hug.

'Why would I punish you, Lynea? Whatever happened, it wasn't your fault' he spoke.

'B-but he is i-in pain' I sobbed. How could he not see that it was my fault? I felt my face being grabbed by Allan and he forced me to look into his eyes.

'Lynea, this is not your parent's house. Whatever happened, it doesn't mean it was your fault. You are the victim here, with the wound that I need to clean. Please, drink the tea and let me take care of your neck' he spoke and I nod, sniffing. He gave me a small smile and began cleaning my wound while I took a sip of the tea. I didn't recognize the herb the tea was made of, but it was delicious.

When Allan finished with the wound, he took my cup and pushed me down on the bed. In a minute I was tucked in soft furs as my eyes began closing. Allan sat by my side and petted my head until I was asleep.

'It's not your fault' was the last thing I heard before I fully fell asleep.

Allan's P.O.V

I watched as my twin began evenly breathing, her cheeks still wet from tears. She wasn't the only one confused. When I was sure that she was sound asleep, I stood up and left the cave. Evening's sun was showing her last rays as my eyes wondered to the path Lynea came, only to see Ogden walking back.

'How is Luna?' He asked, stopping before me.

'She is sleeping right now. She was also not in shock as you said' I replied and got an expressionless face that I was already used to see.

'She wasn't making any sense' I nod to Ogden's words and brushed my hair out of my eyes.

'It doesn't make sense to you, but it does to me. Back home she was blamed for things her parents did to the point where she would take the blame without realising that she was the victim. Whatever I said to her would just go unheard because of how strongly she believed in the blame' I explained and Ogden frowned.

'That's unhealthy' I couldn't hide the smile that breached my lips. One thing I learned from living with Ogden was the fact that he was obsessed with healthy living. Anything from training to food or thoughts were involved.

'And the idiot still refused to move out from her parents' house. My mother even planned a kidnapping plan at one point' I told Ogden and he rose his eyebrows at me, but I was telling the truth. Took a lot of convincing to prove to my mom that her plan was more destructive than Lynea just moving out on her own accord.

'Anyway, what happened back there?' I asked, curious about the Alpha situation.

'I took care of the situation, but don't know for how long' Ogden replied cryptically.

'What did you do?'

'I knocked him out' he replied and silence stood between us. I blinked at him until my brain registered what he just said.

'You did WHAT?!' I shouted, but Ogden quickly shut me with his hand.

'Quiet, Luna is sleeping' he hissed and I winced. What a great friend I am.

'Sorry, but why would you knock our Alpha out?'

Ogden sighed and turned away.

'I'll look after him for now and you take care of Luna' he said, ignoring my question, and began walking.

'You haven't answered my question!' I quietly yelled after him and he stopped.

'He lost control' Ogden finally said and left, leaving me confused even more.

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